Chapter 31

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Ava's pov

Wednesday has been a chilled-out day. Aiden has been texting and calling to check up on me.

All morning I have been looking online on Etsy shops, I guess envisioning my boutique being there. One thing I would say is I've always wanted to own a small business.

Something that I have built from the ground up. A creation I can truly say is mine and I worked hard for it. I have always envisioned myself having an online store and even maybe a physical store.

I looked at several stores that sold a range of different things from soaps to jewelry. There was so much stuff I wanted to learn and very little time to do so.

I know right now wouldn't be the best time to start a business but sometime in the future I would want to own my own.

I looked at my phone to see I had a message from Damien. His text message was of him informing me that he would be coming at four which meant I only had ten minutes until he arrives.

I looked around to see if there was anything, I needed to arrange but to my surprise there was nothing at all. Surprisingly everything was in place.

I went into the bathroom to use the toilet, once I was done I walked over to my sink and turned on the tap as the water ran down the drain I used soap to wash my hand.

As I was doing so, I heard the familiar buzzing noise which meant Damien was downstairs.

I walked out of the bathroom quickly and made my way to the door.

I pressed the button beside the speaker to let him in. I waited for a while before I heard a knock on my door.

I opened it to see Damien's disheveling appearance, he looked as if he hadn't slept in days.

'Damien, come in' I exclaimed as I let him through the door and into my apartment.

I closed the door, locking it and turning my attention towards him. I walked up to him and helped pull his small jacket off him. I placed it on the small press beside the door.

'I haven't heard from you in a long time. What happened?'

'It's nothing to be worried about. I have just been busy with the business. Having a small business isn't easy at all. There is so much that needs to be handled and since I'm doing this mostly on my own it can take a toll' Damien explained as he sat on my couch.

He laid his head back to lean in on the couch.

'I am sorry I didn't have the time to reply to your text messages. I have just been working non-stop'

'That's okay. I completely understand how hard it must be for you' I reassured while taking a seat beside him.

'How have you been?' Damien asked turning his attention to me as me both rested on the couch.

'I've been good, I went to the hospital because I had food poisoning, but I was able to leave the same day. Which was on Monday'

'I'm sorry I wasn't there'

'That's okay. Aiden, I mean Mr. Morgan took me to the hospital since the incident occurred in his office'

'You are now on first name basis with your boss, I see' Damien exclaimed noticing that I called Mr. Morgan by his first name which is something I normally don't do around him.

'He insisted that I do when we aren't in the workplace' I laughed recalling the very moment he told me to call him Aiden.

'Would you like anything to eat?' I asked changing the subject.

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