Chapter 6

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I walked into 'Morgan's Ltd' with a headache the size of Europe.

I stayed up late drinking with the girls, watching movies and chatting about how my date went.

We were chatting for hours, we finally fell asleep around 5 O'clock early in the morning, meaning I only had two hours of sleep and thirty minutes to get ready.

I left the girls sleeping on the couch because they didn't have work today. 'lucky bitches' I thought to myself as I walked into my office feeling a bit hungry.

I looked at the time and saw that I had five minutes left. I sat on my chair putting my bag on top of my clutter free desk.

I looked into my bag in search of my mirror I always put somewhere in my bag in cause I needed to fix my makeup or something.

I found it in the little pocket on one side of my bag. I looked at my reflection and saw that I had bags under my eyes that was starting to look a bit blue.

My hair was a complete mess, it looked as if I just woke up and didn't brush my hair, which was not true because I was trying to brush it while I was getting ready, which to me didn't work because it still looks like a freaking birds nest.

I took out my brush and ran it through my hair trying to smooth out the knots.

I took out my small bag with a few make-ups in it I also took out one of my favorite mascara and apply some on my lashes to make my eyes look less tried.

I put everything away and walked out of my office with my handbag in one hand and files in the other hand.I walked over to the mahogany door and knocked on it softly.

I twisted the door-nob when I heard a masculine voice say come in from behind the door. I walked to see him on his gold iPhone 7 talking to someone not paying any attention to me.

Today he was dressed in a dark navy suit with his black tie neatly in place, his hair freshly cut, and his bread trimmed to perfection.

I sat quietly on the chair opposite him, trying not to listen in on his conversation. I knew it was personal because he was using his own phone instead of his office one which was sitting on one side of his desk.

I couldn't help but tune in when I heard him say. "I will pick you up at 8'Oclock this evening, dress formal" he said before putting his phone in his pocket.

"Sir you have a meeting in about 10 minutes" I said before he could say anything.

He got up from his chair and walked over. "Where is this meeting going to be held" he asked as he came beside me making me feel smaller than I was.

I look up at him, he looked like he was about 6'4 so you could imagine how I felt standing beside him.

"It's going to be held in the second meeting room sir" I replied.

We walked up to the dark brown mahogany door. I walked in front of him twisting the door handle to open the door.

The room was big and empty with no one in it, in the middle of the room there was a big light brown colored desk with light streaming in thorough the big glass windows.

There were about ten chairs around the desk including the chair on top of the desk for Mr. Morgan.

Overall, the room looked clean and smelt good and everything was in place and ready for the meeting. We walked in and Mr. Morgan took his seat at the top of the desk. I started setting everything in place.

I sat there beside Mr. Morgan watching as men and woman walked in and sat on the chairs around the table with their PA beside them while Mr. Morgan was texting on his phone.

After about 10 minutes or so the meeting started.

"Welcome everyone. I'm very glad you all can make it. I would-" he was interrupted by the door opening to reveal a very exhausted looking Damien.

He walked over to the empty seat without noticing me.

"Sorry I got delayed on my way here, I hope I didn't miss anything" he explained seating down properly on his seat which was the closest to the door.

"No, you haven't missed much Mr. Douglas we just started not long ago" Mr. Morgan reassured him.

After a while Mr. Morgan starts talking about what he would like to see been done in the new project they were working on for the company and how much capital was going to be put in it.

I just sat there slightly surprised by the unexpected encounter because I don't recall him telling me he worked here, or he had anything to do with this company.

I pushed it behind my head making a note to myself to ask him about it after the meeting. I started writing frantically as everyone in the room was giving their suggestions. Making sure to write what everyone said for future propose.

The meeting had finally come to an end after about two hours. I stayed behind as everyone left one by one.

Damien had already gone before I could get the chance to talk to him. I cleaned up the place a little as Mr. Morgan was talking to one of the other businessmen that was at the meeting.

"You can go on ahead Ms. Hilson" Mr. Morgan exclaim when he realized I was still here.

"Thank you sir"

I grabbed my white handbag and walked out of the meeting room making sure to close the door quietly behind me.

I walked down the hallway, out of nowhere I felt someone pulling me to a corner. I was about to scream but the person put their hand over my mouth. 

I looked at the person properly and realized it was Damien with a stupid goofy smile on his face. I relaxed a little, but I still felt the adrenalin pumping through my body after that shook.

"Why the hell would you do that" I scowled looking up at him.

"I wanted to talk to you" he said with a goofy smile still on his face.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack, what did you want to talk to me about"

"Well I wanted to ask you if you would like to go to lunch with me for your break or do you have other plans" he asked looking hopeful.

"I don't really have much to do today so I guess I could go to lunch with you" I said with a smile instantly forming on my face.

"Good I was thinking we could go to the little cafe door the road" he said as we walked over to the elevator.

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