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I've been waiting to do Austin's pov and I'm so ready.

Gif has nothing to do with the chapter, I'm just in Harry feels as of this weekend...

Before we start, this chapter takes place a week after last chapter.

| Austin Mahone |

66. Why Is She Here?

"Austin, I'm leaving to go to class now" Aspen smiles, walking over to me as I stand in my kitchen "I should be back around 11 and then we can go for lunch?" She wraps her arms around my waist.

"I can't, my first class is at 11" I sigh "Maybe dinner" 

"Fair enough" She nods, pressing a light kiss to my lips "I love you, and I'll see you later"

"Love you too" I say, and she walks out of the door. I sigh once I hear the door click, and I make my way to the bathroom to take a shower. Once I finished in the shower, I change into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and slide on a pair of shoes. I grab my phone and keys, leaving my apartment.  

I walk down to the cafe down the street, wanting to get some food. I walk in and sit down, my heart immediately dropping at what's in front of me. I watch her as she walks to the table with Mark, and I can't help but take in how much she's changed. The Brogan I knew would never step foot outside in a skirt, but here she is wearing one.

I can't help but notice the necklace she's wearing, I had bought it for her, and for some reason I figured she would've trashed it by now. I watch as she gets up to go to the bathroom, and I hide my face in my menu until she's gone. Once I see her walk into the bathroom, I run over and sit across from Mark.

"Why is she here?" I ask him, and he jumps.

"Jesus Christ, you scared me!" He places his hand over his chest.

"Why is she here?" I repeat, and he rolls his eyes.

"She's here on behalf of the President, she's twerking her way into the White House that is LA"

"Really fucking funny, now be serious" I roll my eyes.

"She goes to school here dumbass, why else would she be here?" 

"Fuck" I sigh.

"Don't say fuck, you fucked up"

"I fucked up? Me? No I didn't fuck up, she fucked up" I scoff.

"No she didn't" 

"Mark you knew how it felt when she said she wasn't going to UCLA, imagine that with me, someone who's in love with her, and had this amazing plan on how we're going to move here and be together, and imagine how crushed I was when she flat out told me she basically didn't want to make it work. Now tell me, how is that me fucking up?" I huff, climbing out of the booth. 

I walk out of the cafe, losing my appetite, and wanting to do nothing but go home and sleep. I walk back to apartment and go inside, walking straight to my room. I lay on my bed, facing the ceiling. 

I don't want to have her filling my thoughts, but that's exactly what's happening. I have questions flooding my brain. Does she ever miss me? Is she over me? Does she hate me? Does she think I hate her? 

Does she think I'm over her? Because the answer is no. Is there ever a such thing as getting over someone like Brogan, with the type of relationship we had, getting over her seemed nearly impossible, so I never did it. 

Sure I have a girlfriend, but that doesn't mean I don't still think about Brogan. It may seem wrong, but Aspen knew what she was getting into. I told her from the beginning not to expect me to get over Brogan.

Before I even realize it, it's 10:50, my class starting in 10 minutes. I walk out of my house, walking to the campus. I walk to my first class, which is unfortunately a lecture. I take a seat in the back, pulling out my laptop, and logging on. 

I take notes as the Professor speaks, and once he finishes we're all dismissed. I walk out of the class, shoving my laptop into it's case. I look up from my bag, hearing a familiar laugh that makes my heart hurt all over again. I watch her as she walks along campus with Oliver, Mark and some other guy that I've seen around, but never learned the name of.

Oliver looks over at me, giving me a small nod. He looks away and I sigh, walking back to my apartment, not having anymore classes for the day. When I get back to my apartment, Aspen is sitting on my couch, and truth be told I'd much rather be alone right now.

"Hey, how was class?" She asks, and all I do is shrug in response "So I'm guessing you found out" 

"Found out what?" I ask.

"That Brogan goes here now" She answers.

"You mean to tell me, you knew and didn't think to fucking tell me?" I grit, and she rolls her eyes.

"I didn't think it was important"

"Of course it's important!" 

"I think you're overreacting" She huffs.

"Oh don't give me that bullshit, you knew how I'd feel about something like this, yet you chose to keep it from me" 

"Did you ever think that maybe I kept it from you because I knew how you'd react if I told you?" She scoffs "I didn't tell you because I knew you'd start freaking out, and I figured you'd never really actually see her, I didn't keep it from you to secretly sabotage whatever the ell you think I'd sabotage I just didn't feel the need to tell you because I didn't want to stress you out" 

"Not telling me is stressing me out even more! now I have to deal with the fact that she's here, and that my girlfriend knew she was hear and didn't tell me!" I list off on my fingers.

"Austin, I'm sorry" She sighs, she opens her arms to hug me, but I shake my head, pushing past her. I walk out of my apartment and to my car, getting inside. 

Before I start to drive, I text Mark.

To: Mark


From: Mark

    If you want to talk about her I suggest you come over now, she's coming over after her last class.

I chuckle quietly to myself and drive to his apartment, knocking on his door. He opens it, and motions for me to walk in, the two of us taking a seat on his couch.

"Contrary to what you probably believe" He starts "I don't hate you, and neither does Oliver, we know you're not at fault, though I did say you fucked up earlier. I didn't actually mean it" 

"Good to know" I nod.

"I do know what it felt like when she decided to leave, and I get what you meant when you said it hurts worse on your end, but why didn't you reach out to her?" He asks, and my eyes widen.

"I did, on multiple occasions. She never answered me, or if she did it would only be to yell at me to leave her alone" 

"She told me and Oli that you never even tried to talk to her but she always called you" He sighs.

"Well it's the exact opposite actually" 

"So that only leaves one thing..." He trails off "We all have to talk to her"



I hope you liked this chapter

I love you


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