Possession of the Enemy (Grace Parks)

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Graces P.O.V

"Ugh" I let out a loud and very unattractive groan as my alarm pulled me out of my pleasant dream and back into the drab and dull reality I lived in. I groggily lifted my head from the pillow and lashed out to turn off my alarm,it was 7:00 and I have school in about an hour an a half. Summer break had gone way too quickly and I really wasn't ready to go back to school,my body was weak and it didn't like being up this early. In summer mode I could go to sleep at 4:00am and then get up at like 1:00pm with no one complaining,but then again being the Alphas daughter might have something to do with that!

Speaking of my parents I know if I'm not getting dressed within the next 5 minutes either mom or dad will come in and shout at me,if its dad I'll run....he's a scary bloke! Despite them only looking about 17/18 they're actually 34 and 35,the benefits of finding your mate I guess.

I wouldn't know,I haven't found my mate and it feels like I'm never going to. Mom found Dad when she was 17 but she had to move halfway across the country...what if my mate lives in like Africa or something? Are we going to fly off to Africa to find him? Nope...I'll never find him,of that I'm sure.I'm going to die an old and lonely virgin,while my parents still look like teenagers.How depressing.

I slowly lowered my feet onto my carpet and then began walking towards the bathroom,I look like a zombie in the mornings it's really not flattering. After I did my business in the toilet I walked over to the mirror and almost gave up then and there,I look dead. Brown hair sticking up all over the place and dark circles under my usually quite appealing green eyes,ugh attractive. NOT.

I quickly brushed my teeth then ran back into my room to get an outfit for the first day back at school. I wouldn't say I was popular but I had a few friends,lets say that. I opened my closet and bit down on my lip as I searched through an finding nothing,I sighed then just settled for some skinny jeans,a navy and white stripes jumper and finally my ugg boots. Casual but I'm sure it will look alright.

The weather is Vancouver is really temperamental so I made sure that I wore a white tank top under the jumper just in case it decides to get hot.

Honestly I'm quite lucky,both my parents are beautiful so I have a good gene pool. My mother has Hazel eyes and my Dad has green,somehow I ended up with green eyes which is strange because green is a recessive gene. But anyway,I'm actually quite a fair looking girl. Chocolatey brown straight hair which reaches my mid back,minty green eyes and creamy white skin. I have a nice figure as well I guess,considering how much I eat I should be the size of a house but I am thin. Despite my small figure Im a 34D and have a nice full butt,I'm really fortunate when it comes to the appearance side of things.

I've had boyfriends but none of them lasted more than 2 months,why you ask? Because of my Alpha father Joshua Parks! I've always been close to my Dad and I'm truly a daddy's girl but he's really over protective and won't let any of the werewolf boys were near me. How he expects me to find my mate If I'm not allowed to socialise I don't know!

After getting dressed I brushed my hair then styled it as usual,loose with my side fringe. I then grabbed my makeup bag and applied my usual,face powder,eyeliner,mascara and a dab of gloss. I hate girls who wear loads of makeup it's not natural and it looks ridiculous! I admired myself once I slipped on my Uggs,yeah I guess I look okay. I shrugged then grabbed my black leather backpack and ran across the hall to tell my mom and dad I'm going in a little while.

Because my parents are Alphas,we have the whole 5th floor to ourselves. It's great because we get privacy but not great because of 3 things,1 my parents are madly in love,2 my room is opposite theirs and 3 because being a werewolf I have heightened senses....you figure it out.

Possession of the Enemy [ON HOLD] (Sequel to "Possession of the Alpha")حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن