Possession of the Enemy (Plans)

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Jasons P.O.V

Why was I so idiotic? 

Grace was right, I am a fucking idiot.  I could have got her hurt, if that blood sucker had lost control we would both be dead. I could never live with myself if I got Grace hurt, I shouldn't have kissed her. I let my feelings control me, it won't happen again.

I hate this constant pain I feel. Grace isnt mine and that hurts more than anything.  I love her so much.

More than she will ever know.

How is this fair? Why am I feeling this pain? Why cant she be my mate? Why do I have to fall in love alone?

I want to forget about her but I dont, if that makes sense.  Which it probably doesnt, I dont ever make sense anymore.  Nothing makes sense to me anymore.  All I can ever think about is her.

Her beautiful sea green eyes, the ones I would gladly stare into for hours on end. Her bright and perfect smile, so bright it could light up any darkened room. Her wise, uplifting and comforting words, she could pull you out of any bad mood with a few sentences. Her chocolate hair, its like silk. So perfect, frames her wonderful features just making her an angel who was unlucky enough to fall from heaven. Her flawless body, her long, soft and slender legs, her sculpted hips,her toned stomach.  Why was she so perfect?

I need to find my mate.

I sighed as I ran my sweating and trembling hand through my hair.After what happened with Grace I came back up stairs but  instead of returning to my room I came to Jakes. Jake understands what im going through,I mean he doesnt like Grace like that but obviously him being the man whore that he is would gladly shag her.

My wolf growled at the idea of anyone ever touching Grace in such an intimate way. Images of her and the corpse together flashed through my head,him being actually in her,her moaning at his every movement. My stomach turned and I snapped my eyes shut,I felt a single tear escape and splash onto my heated cheek. Why do I put myself through this torture? 

Jakes hand suddenly rested on my shoulder

"you alright man?" he whispered,he lowered his head next to my ear and I quickly threw his hand off me. I didnt want sympathy, I dont know what I want right now.

"Jeez" he said stepping back with his hands held up in surrender.  I sighed  and turned my head to him

"Sorry,I-I just-I just hate the idea of him touching her." My voice had no hint of hope in it what so ever,because I had no hope.  The girl I loved was with someone else,she had now been claimed and will never be mine.

He sat beside me and nodded in understanding

"Grace is happy with him through,thats all you ever wanted for her.  I know it's not with you but you can still be with her in friendship, you keeping on telling her and getting annoyed about everything is only pushing you and Grace further away as friends.  You need to concentrate on finding your mate now,Tatiana le moon will have given you someone who you will find because of fate. Go with the flow and wait for that moment, it will come." I sighed in defeat,Jake was right. I know it hurts but unfortunately I have to live with it until my mate comes into my life,I know it may take a while but ill be happier for waiting when she does come along.


It's time I let Grace go...I will try and let her go. No. I will let her go

Graces P.O.V

"I cant express enough how sorry I am,Grace. I could have seriously hurt you...I would never forgive myself if that happened" Blake was leaning on his elbows beside me, his face was inches from mine and sorrow sat in his golden eyes. The sheet was pulled up enough to hide anything inappropriate but left his chiseled chest exposed. I let a smile spread across my face and lifted my hand to rest on his cheek, I shivered a little as the ice from his skin hit mine.

Possession of the Enemy [ON HOLD] (Sequel to "Possession of the Alpha")Where stories live. Discover now