Possession of the Enemy (Confrontation)

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Blakes P.O.V

I said goodbye to Grace outside the packhouse, she kept on saying she could get home alone but I insisted that I walk her.I didn't really want to leave her side at all, shes in heat and more vulnerable. Anything could happen and I couldn't bare that. I told her id be round later and made her swear that if the heat kicked in she linked me straight away, id keep my link open so she could get ahold of me. I told her she could close hers and ill keep mine open, that way were not distracted by each others thoughts but as soon as she opens her ill know whats wrong.  She agreed eventually and I gently kissed her before leaving, she ran in side and I smiled at just how lucky I am really. My mate is beautiful, kind, quirky , funny , loving and really just perfect.

Obviously the history between me and her pack probably isnt a golden point but still, you win some you loose some. I slowly turned away and began making my way into the woods, I wouldn't flit. I actually fancied a walk, to take in all I have ya know? Be grateful.  I began walking but stopped abruptly as a familiar scent wofted infront of my nose.


The obsessed Ex.

Okay, maybe that's not fair but excuse me for being a little defensive around the guy who not only almost claimed My mate but who still loves her. Come on, you can see my point right?

I tensed and sighed as I sped up and soon flitted back to the lair, I wasnt in the mood for a confrontation.  I could smell the anger radiating off him so assumed he had figured out that Grace had gone into heat, he would flip and I didnt want to upset Grace by killing her friend. Im not really conceited but theres no competition when it comes to strength between me and Jason.

The familiar fire returned to my throat once I reached the house and I realised I hadnt hunted in hours. My body began to stiffen as I realised I may have pushed myself too far, I should have fed ages ago. I can't afford to loose control when I have a mate whos a werewolf, if I ever hurt her I could never forgive myself.  Ever.  I focused on myself, grasping as what little control my spirit had over the demon.  For a second I gained it and flitted straight forward through the remaining woods. Theres a village a few hours away from here, small and pretty much deserted.I could be there in seconds.  I wouldn't hunt in our town, I promised Grace and that is one person I will never break a promise with.

Graces P.O.V

A few seconds after I entered the pack house I smelled Jasons scent, he smelled pissed off. A pinch of curiosity hit me so I stepped out and walked round the side of the house but keeping from actually entering the woods. In seconds Blakes Scent disappeared and Jasons got stronger, he was walking towards me but hadnt yet noticed me. He stiffened as he caught onto my scent, he looked up and bit his lip as he walked reluctantly towards me. I furrowed my eyebrows but sighed as I realised he probably smelt my scent and now knew me and Blake mated.

He stopped inches from me and looked down, his face was drenched in hurt and I even thought I saw moisture in his eyes. I put my hand on his arm.

"Jason-" I whispered but he shook his head and cut me off.

"Grace, you dont know how much I wish I was in Blakes position. With you as my mate, with you returning my feelings....and without a constant pang in my chest because you're not mine." His voice cracked and I found myself sobbing, I hated that I was hurting my best friend. I did love him but in a different way, he meant the world to me but....in a different way.

"Jason please, you're my best friend. I can't stand the idea that im hurting you, it kills me. Please know that I dont-I can't-I-I dont know" I grew frustrated and fell to my knees sobbing.  Jason was by my side in seconds, enclosing me in a hug which I didnt deny.  I wrapped my arms around him and sobbed into his now damp shoulder.

Possession of the Enemy [ON HOLD] (Sequel to "Possession of the Alpha")Where stories live. Discover now