Possession of the Enemy (Blake Hudson)

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Graces P.O.V

The drive to school was really awkward,neither of the guys talked to me. Jake quietly whispered things to Jason,which seemed to only anger him more so eventually Jake left it. Jason eventually turned away from the window but never spoke,just sat there....face like a smacked ass I may add! What the hell was wrong with him?

When we finally pulled up to the school we all jumped out eagerly. Jason slammed his door and shot of into the main entrance,leaving me and jake watching after him. I turned to face Jake,I needed an explanation.

"Okay Jake,what was that about?"
I voice was quite harsh but I didn't care. Something was up with Jason...I couldn't help but think it had something to do with me.

He rubbed the back of his neck nervously
"Grace,I'm really not the one to tell you that. If you want to know,ask Jason."

I threw my hands in the air in frustration.
"Jake he's not gonna tell me! Please,come on I'm your best friend!"

His eyes widened in excitement and his stepped forward,nudging me a little.
"If I tell you.....will you sleep with me?"

I grimaced and immediately pushed him away.
"Ewww NO!"

"Oh come on,suck me off at least?" He said raising an eyebrow,did he actually think I was gonna say yes?

"NO! I have a mate,I wouldn't have said yes even before meeting Blake!" I giggled. He crossed his arms and kept his eyebrow raised.

"Now we both know that's not true. I was very very close to getting you in my bed,all those years of hard work for nothing. We were finally making progress,then he comes along" he suddenly pointed across the parking lot to my walking angel....Blake. I gasp a little out of excitement,I turn to Jake and give him a pleading look.

He snickers and gestures towards him
"Go on."

"Thanks Jake" I call over my shoulder as I sprint towards Blake.

Blake suddenly looks up at me and I see the smile slowly taking over his face.As I continue running to him he begins to pick up his pace towards me also. Aww it was like a romance movie,you know where the two lovers run towards each other. Yeah it was like that,but probably less graceful as I had to try and dodge other students. When I finally reached him I immediately wrapped my arms round his neck and lightly pecked him on the lips. He smiled against me and when I pulled back,actually looked disappointed.

"Now that was not a proper kiss" he said smirking,I giggled at him.

"I can't full on kiss you in the middle of the parking lot!" I exclaim,he raises an eyebrow.

"Actually you could" I shake my head at him while still giggling. He was so cheeky,I loved it!

"After school when I meet you,I wanna get to know you. Just the general stuff,anything. I need to know a little,I mean tomorrow I'll probably go into heat. So i wanna know abit before I completely give myself to you." I kept my arms around his neck as I stared deeply into his honey like eyes. He lifted his icy finger to my cheek and gently caressed it,a small smile appearing on his lips.

"Of course my love,anything you want to know,ill tell you" the pure emotion in his voice had my heart melting,his sincerity and suddenly the mushy and....loving feeling? Loving? I've known him just over a day,I can't already love him? Can i? Nah! I know the mate bond kicks in quick but if I've already fallen for him then it's just messed up!

We both stared into each others eyes,none of us wanting to break the beautiful moment that we were experiencing. Both our heads whip to the left as the bell suddenly sounds. I groan against him then reluctantly unwind my arms from around him and slowly peel away.

"I'll meet you later" I whisper,he quickly pulls my wrist,leading me back against his body. He gently plants his full lips back on mine,then pulls off quicker than I would have liked.

"Okay,love" with that he slowly turned but not before kissing my hand lightly. With that he was gone. Werewolves were fast but I think vampires may be faster....nahhhh! We will so be racing at some point!

I stood still for a moment,just remembering how his lips felt on mine. His touch already drove me crazy,imagine what it's gonna be like once we've mated....well not mated,cos he's not a wolf....so...slept together. I could tell Blake was one of those guys who would be very.....passionate in-hey who am I kidding,I knew Blake would be amazing in bed! I snickered quietly to myself before heading to my first class,I had a few things to explain to Maria.

Blakes P.O.V

I headed to my first class but Grace never left my mind. Her infinite beauty and poise....she was flawless,so so perfect. I don't know how a monster like me ever got so lucky as to find her,she's an angel. So so perfectly beautiful.

There were things Grace didn't know about me,which I would tell her. I had a dark past and she needed to know all about it before giving her innocence to me. Did I really want to taint her perfection? Her purity? Hell yes....but I also didn't want to.......ugh damn emotions! Before grace I didn't have any,except hatred and a thirst for blood. The seconds still true but the first has somehow died since I've met Grace. She was so perfect,some of the things I've done would probably shock her to her very core.

My first class was math,which is on the other end of the school. That wasn't a problem for me thanks to vampire speed but still,those seconds I spent flitting to math I spent thinking of Grace. She was taking over my heart,I was falling and I was falling hard.

Jason's P.O.V

My skin crawled,thinking about that bloodsucker touching my Grace. Beautiful,perfect,loving,untainted Grace,she was already under his spell but I know what he truly is. Josh never told Grace about their kind until last night,but I know about them,they're bad news. The image of him holding her as she gently kissed him,had me shaking in my seat. He would hurt her I knew it,mate or not she shouldn't be with him....she should be with me.

I love Grace,I'm in love with Grace. She's everything to me and I made a mistake ever letting her go so easily,I was an ass when we were dating. I took her being with me,for granted and now I regret that. I would never pressure her into anything,I never did and I never will...despite how close we got. When I say close I mean close....I'm talking inches,but she freaked out last minute and that I can understand.

Our parents never knew we were dating and to this day still don't,I don't even want to think about what Joshua would do to me if he found out I saw his little girl naked! Yeah....I'd be castrated for sure,I have allot of girls who would be very disappointed!

I know it's wrong but that's actually how I deal with not being with Grace,I sleep around. It numbs the pain and I get to have sex....BONUS! I can't talk to my dads about it,they're gay so they don't really remember what it's like to be with girls. They did once,at one time they were just like me,a ladies man but that didn't work out.

Anyway,I would tell Grace about my feelings. Despite her having a mate,she needs to know. Is it selfish. Maybe. But she needs to know.

Graces P.O.V

Today dragged just as it did yesterday,time decided to move incredibly slow every time I waited to meet Blake. My heart fluttered each time I though of him,today I would get to know him a little better. My wolf purred at the thought,she loved the idea of knowing more about Blake...but she was a little frightened at what she might find out also. I made my way to the hill where I would meet him and shivered immediately,his scent swirled around my nose making me bite my lip.

There was a slight breeze,blowing his golden hair and making him look even more perfect than he already is. Blake was gorgeous,the type of gorgeous that would have you begging on your knees just for a kiss! He suddenly froze and then turned so he was facing me,out eyes met and involuntarily my feet began moving a little faster. He also began walking to me and within seconds we were embracing one another,I couldn't wait to start learning more about the guy I would spend my life with. He slowly lifted his hand and swept back a bit of hair which fell in my face,he never broke eye contact which only made my heart melt that little bit more.

"Hello beautiful" he whispered,his tone was seductive yet so emotional as well,ahhh what was he doing to me? I giggled a little then wrapped my arms around his neck

"Hello Handsome" he snickered as with that I tangled my fingers in his and we began walking,I didn't know where to but I trusted him. Blake doesn't have a car,as obviously he can get anywhere faster than any car...

I still had to get my car home so Blake insisted he drive us to where he was taking me,I reluctantly handed over the keys and then slowly climbed in after Blake opened my door for me. In a way it was obvious that Blake was a vampire,just his manorisms. He speaks like he's from a different time,which of course he is. I try not to think about his age through,it's a little strange to think about him being over 100....kinda creepy. I shook those thoughts off and sat in the blissful silence,I didn't suggest we listen to music because I doubt he'd like what I listen to.

My mom and dads favourite band was Sleeping With Sirens,but being that its now 2030 they don't do as much as they used to. They're still together but I don't hear much of them anymore. I still have their old stuff through,my mom showed me it and I actually loved it so yep!

I suddenly heard a light snickering so I turn to Blake to see him attempting to hide his laughter...he was failing miserably.

"What?" I say giggling,he kept his eyes on the road but continued to bite his lip.

"You. Just,you're adorable" I look down while blushing,he thought I was adorable...yay! I nodded and gave him a thumbs up.

"You're adorable too" he laughed again. Why did I say that? 'You're adorable too' I'm such an idiot.

Suddenly I felt the car slowing so I turned back so I was facing the front window and gasped when I saw where we were. Blake had driven us to Cherry Meadow,it's a beautiful grassy park about 20 or so minutes away from the packhouse. I love it here but never get round to coming,so I loved that Blake had chosen here to drive us.

He turned his head to me and smiled once he saw how speechless I was,the lake was bubbling by as usual as the sound was music to my ears.

"You like it?" He asked smiling,he knew I loved it but still I think he just wanted assurance. I bit my lip and nodded eagerly.

"I love it,it's great" I unbuckled my belt and went to grab my door but before I would even touch the handle Blake had ran round and opened it for me. He stood there smiling widely at me,I mouthed a thankyou then stepped out and pecked him on the lips. I felt him attempt to deepen it but I pulled away then giggled as he pouted.

"Point taken" he snickered,he gently took my hand in his then led me over to one of the hills,nearer the river. The sound of water got louder as we approached and I couldn't help but somehow feel a little happier,I love this meadow! Blake laid out a checkered blanket and I sat down beside him eagerly,I turned to him and decided to use the same technique my mom did.

"Let's ask questions" I suggested,he smiled then nodded.

"Okay,you first" I thought about it for a second then went with the harder ones first. I knew this could be awkward but it was necessary so got it out the way.

"You and your clan,have you been to Vancouver before this?" He closed his eyes,as if he wanted for that question to skip itself...what was he hiding? I raised and eyebrow and waited,he sighed then opened his eyes once more.

"Yes,I think you should probably know why and what for. This is what I'd been dreading." He bit his lip and looked down towards the river,something in me turned in fear. What was he hiding. "17 years ago me and my clan had allot to do with a certain alpha,Jamie Of the Red Crest Pack." I widened my eyes,I knew of Jamie he tried to kill my father and rape my mother. She was in love with him years and years ago. "He did us afew favours so we owed him everything. Jamie,at the time was actually having an affair with a wolf called Brittany. She was mated to your dads Beta Sam,Brittany got pregnant with Jamie's child and she wanted to be with him. She had given him all the information he needed to get into the pack,he wanted your dad dead,your mom as a mistress and Brittany as his lover. He was a greedy man. Brittany wanted Sam dead so it was for both of them.Anyway,as you know he failed and before he went he asked us to finish his business if he couldn't complete it." He was really having to force out his words now and my stomach churned as I began to have a feeling of where he was going. "I being one of the leaders.....found Sam while he was visiting Brittany's gravestone. I took that chance to shoot him,in the chest with a wolfsbane filled bullet." I felt my breathing hitch and my eyes sting with tears. "We'd done half of the deal so then tried to kill Joshua and imprison your mother,when you were 1." He turned to me now but I looked away,I didn't want to hear that. Why was I so stupid? "If I would have known that they were the parents of my mate I wouldn't have ever-"

I'd had enough. I stood up and stepped back from him.
"No! I knew you had a past but you not only tried to kill my dad but tried to imprison my mom!" I needed to know if he was still doing such things with his clan. "What really are you Blake?"

"You already know Grace,You don't want to admit it but you know than Im a-" I put my hand up to shush him and I cut him off,No I don't know anything he can't be...he's not one of them! I know I souf stupid but it's only just kicked in that he was one of Jamie's men!

"NO! No Blake I don't know...you didn't Kill Uncle Sam....you didn't,you can't be...you can't be!" My voice was being distorted by tears and each word came out as more of a sob. He looked down for a split second then up through his beautiful thick lashes,someone so beautiful could not be such a monster,they couldn't be...

He clenched his jaw and he looked directly at me with those golden eyes
"You know what I am,you denying it is not going to change anything,the past is past and i would never hurt you or anyone you love"I dared to take a step closer to him and he shivered when I placed my shaking hand on his arm,I looked up at his angelic face and felt more tears welling up in my eyes as all the pieces began to fit. He couldn't be ....he was so perfect,so loving,kindhearted,I'd never felt such love for another being,he was my mate ,this we both knew. How could the one I love with all I have,be the one I should despise?

I've been over this too many times,I feel bipolar. One minute im fine,the next I flip! Why was I like this?

"I just-just,I know you tried to kill my dad but now it's my mom and-and it just feels so wrong.....is being mates together after everything." He heights out off my arm then looked at me hurt.

"What are you saying,are you saying that you don't want to be with me?" I shook my head.

"That's not what im saying,I just,it's just allot." He took my face in his hands and leant his forehead on mine,his breath tickled my face and I knew I couldn't be without him. See bipolar! My mood swings are crazy!

"Please tell me that although its allot,you believe I've changed and will accept my past and love me for my future....cos that's what I want to spend with you" he pressed his lips on mine and I gladly responded,this kiss helped. I would never forget what he did but everything is fine and he has apologised so many times,I can forgive him I guess. I pulled away after a few minutes and slowly sat back down,this time he pulled me onto his lap. I snuggled against his shoulder and felt slightly more comforted now I knew the worst of it.

He sighed and gently stroked the back of my head.
"Okay,I think it's my turn to ask a question...that wolf from this morning,the one that said your his ex...how long ago was that? He sounded like it was serious between you two" it was my turn to bite my lip,damn why did I pick this game!

"That's Jason,we dated about 3/4 months ago,for about 7 months."I reluctantly looked up to him to see he was pulling a face,I knew he was itching to ask. "Don't worry,I'm a virgin,we never actually went through with it. We got close once...really close,but just as he was about to....you know...."I did air quotes "enter me,I told him I couldn't do it. So yeah that's...that's it" his jaw clenched and so did his fists,oh god.

"So,he saw you naked?" I sighed,I guess that probably makes him uncomfortable...wait a second...he's slept with girls before!

"Yeah...but you've slept with girls before,they've seen you. How many?" He nodded.

"Point taken. You really want to know?" He scrunched his face up as if from embarrassment,I'm expecting a big number he's gorgeous and he's been around for 127 years! I nodded and saw his face drop,he sighed and ran his hand through his hair. I followed it with my eyes and wished that I was the one doing that,I loved his hair....yep I'm officially a creep. He took a deep breath and told me his big number. "115" my mouth dropped and my vision blurred....115? 115? 115! 115!



"Grace? Grace?" I felt him nudging me lightly so eventually nodded to show I was actually still alive.

"Okay" he raised and eyebrow and smirked at me

"Okay? That's all you gotta say?"

"No that's not all I gotta say,that's just all I can get out right now" my tone was flat and I heard him chuckle a little,he stroked my cheek gently with his finger and I shivered a little. I loved his touch.

"You're the only one that's going to matter through,all those other girls aren't important anymore. You're my mate and the only girl I'm ever going to make love to,the others...they were shags,you're more than that I promise" he placed my hand on his chest where his heart would be,I looked in his eyes to see that sincerity was practically falling from them. "My heart doesn't beat anymore but if it did,it would be beating for you and for you only" I nodded and closed the space between us,I knew this was gonna be hard and we weren't even halfway done...so I needed a kiss or two to keep me going.

He pulled back this time,smirking when I pouted...I was happy just kissing him. I smirked this time.

"My turn. Werewolves mark their mates,but I don't know if that would work with us." He smiled and lifted his hand to gently caress my neck.

"No,I can still mark you. My venom wouldn't effect you and you're practically invincible so it wouldn't kill you either,it should still take picture form as well so that's all normal. Only thing is,werewolf blood is actually very appealing to us and since you're my mate its stronger. I don't want to risk anything." His eyes met mine and I saw they were filled with worry and concern,I caressed his cheek and smiled reassuringly at him.

"I trust you,and your my mate so it's okay if you have a little. Just not so much as to kill me" I snicker and so does he,he smiles at me and I almost fall off his lap. He is so radiant and so perfect,I can't even fully describe his perfection.

"Well thankyou" he says brightly and with that he begins stroking his chin lightly,as if he's thinking. Oh yeah it's his turn.

"I'll go for simple stuff now,favourite colour?"


He looked into my eyes and smirked "green" I felt my cheeks heat up and immediately my hand flew to them trying to cover them. Blake laughed and gently took my hands from them. "I think it's cute when you blush....very cute" our eyes meet again and I loose myself in his hazel orbs...beautiful,how can so much beauty belong to one person?

I look down and bite my bottom lip.
"Next question" I giggle,he chuckles and continues.

"Favourite food?"

"Burgers,yours-oh,don't worry." I mentally slap myself round the face,he's a vampire you idiot! If anything he'd probably be like 'oh yeah I'm a fan of A positive'. I have issues. He chuckles and wraps me in his arms,I bury my head in his chest and simply stay there.

"It's okay Grace! Don't worry about it" he clearly found this amusing which comforted me a little but it still look a good 5 minutes to get me off his chest.
Blake had insisted he drive me home as it was now dark,he would flit when he dropped me off anyway so I didn't object. I hate driving in the dark! We had spoken more after I had in buried myself from his chest,I found out a few more things about him and vice versa,I now feel like I know abit more about him. Am I ready to mate with him in less than a day? I don't know. But what choice do I have?

Blake opened the door for me as usual,I stepped out and then locked my car. He stood infront of me smiling and we probably would have chatted again if I didn't hear what I heard next.

"Grace!" Crap that was Jason's voice,I quickly smashed my lips on Blakes. He was shocked at first but quickly responded,we had to be quick. I pulled back.

"I'll see you tomorrow" i say breathlessly, he smirks and nods.

"See you,my love" with that he was gone. I felt lonely without him,but that didn't last long. Before I could say anything Jason was standing infront of me,looking stressed. What did he want?

A.N/ im sorry I haven't updated in ages,but I start college in a few days and things have been hectic! Will try and continue updating but I'm sure you can understand if they only come maybe 1/2 times a week.

Possession of the Enemy [ON HOLD] (Sequel to "Possession of the Alpha")Where stories live. Discover now