Possession of the Enemy (Confession)

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Graces P.O.V

Jason's expression was harsh and I knew something was up with him,I knew this face and I knew when he was pissed off. I approached him slowly and as I got nearer he seemed to calm down a bit,maybe it was because he still didn't trust Blake. That's probably it,yeah. He bit his lower lip and met my gaze,something inside me stirred as I knew that look....this worried me.

"Jason,what's wrong?" My voice was wary,I was wary. I was worried at why Jason was looking like this and my instincts told me to run.

He stepped closer to me and I automatically stepped back,my car was right behind me and I felt it as I stepped against it. Damn,I'm stuck. He took this opportunity and stepped closer yet again,I furrowed my eyebrows and he gently reached down as took my hand. I shivered but watched him carefully as he lifted it and rested it over his chest,more specifically his heart. I widened my eyes as I could feel every beat,hear each pump. He covered my hand with his other one and continued to stare into my eyes.

"Feel that? Despite you being mated to the Vamp that is one thing he will never have. I love you Grace,I have for so long and I know I could make you happier than he ever could." I couldn't believe what I was hearing,Nah he's joking...he's got to be. I was about to snicker at his joke but then I saw the pleading look plastered on his angelic face,my gentle nature snapped and I was filled with anger. I felt my jaw clench and I yanked my hand free from his grasp,causing hurt to pool into his eyes.

"Where was this 4 months ago? Jason I'm with Blake and nothing is going to change that." I was shouting by now and I could hear people inside the pack house,questioning what was going on. I knew my dad would be here soon if I didn't shut up so I bashed past Jason's shoulder and ran into the house. The elevator was open so I ran in there then waited as it slowly rose.

Jason loved me.

Why? How? When did it start?

So many questions were running through my head and it hurt to think about it,I wanted Blake here with me. I wanted his arms around me,his lips on mine,just him in general,I would never love anyone but Blake ever again so Jason couldn't have picked a worse time to tell me. The doors slowly slid open so I wizzed through and slammed my bedroom door behind me.

I knew my parents would question the bang but I didn't care. I lept onto my bed and layed there face down in my duvet,I could feel tears stinging my eyes and Instead of hiding them I let them fall. Everything was so hard,why did he have to love me now? I began to sob,I realised that there was a part of me that kinda.....missed Jason. It frustrated me more than anything,I don't want any feelings towards Jason besides friendship,Blake is my mate and the pull I feel towards him grows each time I see him. It's him ill spend my forever with and I need to let Jason know that.

Blakes P.O.V

I flitted back quickly and stood outside the lair before entering,so much was bothering me and I didn't want to have everyone giving me shit right now! My clans not that big ,there's about 15 of us as we've lived with each other for over a hundred years. They were pretty much my family and eventually I will introduce grace to them. They hate werewolves but I know they will accept her because she's with me,they have to....she's my mate,the one I will be with forever.

I entered the house and immediately felt my inner beast turning inside me,they'd hunted. I could smell it,they always brought their finds back here. After the talk I had with Grace I made sure we were subtle,all kills went on here and my inner demon was well aware of that.

I refer to my beast as a demon,because I know that's what I am. I'm dead,I'm meant to be dead anyway but....well I'm not! I defy nature,therefore I am dammed. I know Grace will never want to accept that but irregardless that's what simply is. I am a monster when I feed....that's something I never want Grace to see....never.

Possession of the Enemy [ON HOLD] (Sequel to "Possession of the Alpha")Where stories live. Discover now