Possession of the Enemy (Truce)

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Blakes P.O.V

My breathing was heavy, it was unnecessary for me to breathe at all but its really a habbit. The words kept swirling round my head and I couldn't shake them, Rachel was trying to restart the war? She was trying to kill my mate.

Why was she doing this? Rachels my childhood friend, why would she do this? I never thought she had this much rage towards the wolves,Grace? Why?  Shes seen Grace once, she cant have developed hatred for her that quickly could she?

Suddenly something clicked and my stomach turned,my eyes closed and I sighed in defeat.


What may have meant nothing to me,may have meant allot to her. We stopped sleeping together and then I found Grace,is that why she's doing this?  If she succeeds I wouldn't dare speak to her again anyway, I wouldn't speak to anyone if anything happened to Grace.

The dead dont talk

If Grace was to die, so would I.

The sound of foot steps clambering up the side of the old house hit my ears,I whipped my head round to see Rachel jumping in the Window. Her eyes met mine for a second before I lept at her and pinned her against the wall,her eyes widened as I appeared to have scared her. My eyes went hard as I stared her down.

"Why the hell are you playing at! Restarting the war and planning to kill my mate? Rachel are you out your fucking mind?" my voice was booming and her breathing shook slightly, her eyes swept over to the book on her bed and then back to me. To my surprise a smirk met her lips and concern ripped me from the inside out.

"Im not alone,the whole clan have agreed to fight,none of us want those muts here and honestly I want yours gone first" she gritted her teeth as she hissed those venomous words.  They hit me and I growled before pushing myself from her,I cant hit her. I disagree with violence on women, only do I fight back if they proper fist fight with ne.

"YOU LEAVE GRACE ALONE!" I shout,in seconds her frame is behind mine and she grabs my arms and bends it behind me. I groan and fall to my knees,I tried pushing from her but that arm was now numb. I felt her face near my ear and growled as she came nearer

"You dont understand why im doing this and you never will, the clan and I will fight your precious mut and unless you want to die aswell you will fight with us" her tone hit me hard and I snickered at her blackmail,shes seriously gone crazy if she thinks I will fight my own mate.

"Then you'll have to kill me as well" I hiss,she pushes my body forward but I push off and in seconds pounce out the window and into the woods. I hear her growl as i do this but surprisingly she doesn't follow behind me. I hit the ground with great force but of course land on my feet,I turn my body to look  up at my once childhood friend,she leans out the window and clenches her jaw. I turn on my heel and began to flit to her. I ran and in seconds was outside the packhouse,I opened my link and pushed for Grace to open hers.

I needed to speak to her father.

Joshuas P.O.V

I leant my head back in my office chair as stress overtook,there was a ton of pack shiz going on and aload of paperwork to go with it. Hazel was out with her mother,Grace was in her room and I if course was in my office.

It wasnt just pack stress that was getting to me,this whole Grace being mated to Blake thing was also very...stressful. I will always hold detest for Blake after what he did to our pack,Grace being with him wont change that. The bonds been completed and that...it hurts.  I didnt ever want this to happen,it doesnt even matter that its Blake! I just never wanted her ever sleeping with anyone but of course I knew it would at some point,Grace is beautiful.  It's just,I will never trust Blake and I dont really want him being with my daughter...

A knock met my ears and I whipped my head round to it,his scent caught me and my chest rumbled with a growl.  I knew Grace hae brought him here.

"Come in" I growl warily,the handle goes down and slowly my daughters head pops round nervously.  "Grace,explain to me why hes here" I hiss,she bites her lip and opens my door wider to expose Blake standing with his hands in his pockets. My chest rumbles with another growl and Blakes eyes harden.

"Dad he needs to talk to you,its serious" she whispers,her eyes meet mine and I see her pleeding with them. I sigh and gesture for him to come in,I hated him being even on the premises but...its for Grace that im even trying. He slowly walks in and Grace tiptoes out,leaving me and him alone.

His eyes meet mine and he gives a curt nod


"Blake" I hiss back,he sighs and averts his gaze

"look,im here because I left my clan. Rachel is..." he groans and bites his lip,I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.  I was intrigued at what has gotten him so...flustered "Joshua,shes restarting the war" my mouth flies open and my stomach churns with an uneasy feeling. No hes lying "shes using Jamies plans and she wants to kill the pack and Grace. Its a jealousy thing I think"

I stand and slowly walk until im directly infront of him

"Why should I believe you?  All the crap you did to our pack,you could have killed your own mate if you had suceeded" I hissed,his eyes began to pleed and even I felt a tug on my heart from it. It looked genuine?

"Joshua please,I wouldn't lie about this. She wants to kill Grace, I cant and will not let that happen.  I dont want to loose her any more than you do, please believe me. Im sorry for all my past mistakes,Grace has changed me. I will never be the same beast I once was" my face stiffened, I actually believed what he was saying.  I could see pleeding in his cold orbs and I could hear love in his voice whenever he spoke about Grace.  I sighed anf nodded.

"Does Grace know?" I ask seriously, he nods and I bite my lip and give another nod. Ideas and plans were rushing through my head,also questions were swimming aswell. "Do we know when this is gonna happen?" I ask

"I can find out" He says,I nod again. Training will have to be stepped up big time. We may even have to recruit from other packs,Hazel can get in touch with her cousin max and get help.  I cant let them hurt my family,this girl wants to kill my daughter. 

Yeah that's not gonna happen

I bite my lip and feel my jaw clench,I whipped my eyes to his to see him eyeing me curiously. 

Oops I haven't said anything in like 5 minutes!  I shake my head and then hold out my hand for him to shake,I surprised myself by doing this and by the look on his face I surprised him too. He looked at me hand and then back up at me,slowly he joined his hand to mine and we both shook firmly.

"I wont let that bitch hurt my baby girl" I said sternly,he nodded

"Agreed" he said

A.N/ Sorry this chapter is short, I just needed to upload so tried to get it done quickly.  Im not sure when the next update will be,im gonna try and finish my other stories and then put all my concentration on this one.

Possession of the Enemy [ON HOLD] (Sequel to "Possession of the Alpha")Where stories live. Discover now