Possession of the Enemy (Leaving)

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Graces P.O.V

"I cant believe you're sending me away to people I barely know" I mumble. My anger was raging,not just because of this whole evacuation thing but also because of Blake. I was still a little mad about it. I'll get over it eventually but right now it still irritates me a little.

My mom sighed and ran her hand through her blonde hair. She did this out of stress and to be fair I understand how she must be feeling.

"Ive known these people for years and I know they'll look after you. Most of them will be coming down here for the battle soon anyway but you will stay up there. Kaseys daughter will be there, you haven't met her yet" she encouraged. I sighed and turned to look at her pleading face. Her hazel eyes were glowing with hope and right now I couldn't extinguish that. These were my moms closest friends when she was my age I guess.

I closed my eyes and grumbled a little

"fine" I say.

"Thankyou. Anyway Blakes waiting outside for you so you better go" she encouraged. Pushing me gently out the door of the office. My dads downstairs with Blake so I better not be too much longer. Despite them now being civil neither one loves being with the other one.

I took the lift as usual. I waited outside for a minute or two before the familiar sound of it raising through the shaft hit my ears. I sighed and then smiled as it opened. I stepped in and reached out to click ground floor,before my hand hit the button I was moving down.

the hell?

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked up as I saw it was now at 4th floor. My curiosity grew but was extinguished quickly as Jakes and Jasons scents hit me. I looked towards the silver doors as they slowly slid across revealing two very pissed off looking wolves. Both their usually handsome faces were splattered with anger and I involuntarily moved aside so they had plenty of space.

These two were kinda scary when they were mad!

I sighed

"I assume you two arent happy about being pulled away from the action either huh?" I asked.

Both of them looked at me and growled. I furrowed my eyebrows.

Excuse me?

"You think?" Jake retorts. I huff and then click level 3 quickly.  They look over at me confused. "What? Why you getting off here?" he asks confused.

The lift slowly stops and the doors slide gently aside. I step out and turn quickly.

"If you're both gunna be rude then I don't wanna share a lift with you" I hiss before stomping off towards the stairs. My feet were pounding hard against the carpet,I felt sorry for the people who lived below where I was now stomping.  I just couldn't believe how rude and inconsiderate jason and jake just were!

I turned the corner which led to the stairwell. Of course with my inhuman speed I could take one at a time and still be down within a minute. I sighed as I began pounding down the tile stairs. The sound of my steps echoed as I went down rapidly.

I couldn't help thinking about Maria. Where she is now. If anywhere...

Ive never been religious. I believe there could be something there but I dont know what.

I ran out the stairwell and then made my way down the hall towards the front doors. I grabbed the handle before pulling it and stepping out into the fresh air. It hit me hard but its what I needed to calm down.

I exhaled slowly and breathed out some of the frustration I had bottled up inside of me. I glanced around and sighed as I spotted my dad and Blake discussing what was gonna happen.

Possession of the Enemy [ON HOLD] (Sequel to "Possession of the Alpha")Where stories live. Discover now