Possession of the Enemy (Dont tell on Gracie)

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Blakes P.O.V

Of course I didn't sleep, I watched Grace as she slept through.

Yes I know that sounds weird but I dont even care. Grace is even more flawless as she sleeps.

We cuddled for a few hours but eventually fatigue got the best of her and she slowly drifted off

I couldn't help but think about Dennis now. I know there will be some outcome for him not being accepted into the pack. Despite him apparently agreeing to join when Grace asked,now that he's been rejected...there's a chance he'll try and lay a hand on her.

My frame stiffened at the thought.

No one was gunna touch Grace,I know the New York pack are coming at some point. They'll stay until the battle so we can train together. Only some of the pack are coming as the pack house isnt big enough for all of them but there are a few rooms available and people have agreed to share if needed so it should be okay.
I glanced down at Grace again. We started off cuddling but slowly she rolled over so now she was slightly over in the bed.

I was still wearing what I was yesterday.

Damn it...all my clothes are still at the lair...

I sighed as I realised I would have to go back and get them. The clan will be hunting tonight so I'll go then. Ill have to hunt at some point as well but im okay for now.

I felt the bed move slightly and look down to see Grace rubbing her tired eyes. I had to hold in an 'Aww' it was adorable. I chuckled lightly and her eyes glided up to me as I did. Her lips curled into a smile but suddenly fell as a loud beeping came from her alarm clock.

Both our heads whipped over to it but in seconds she was up and clicking it so the sound stopped.

She sighed and ran her hand through her long and now unruly hair. I followed her hand with my eyes but also sighed as I realised we had school in about an hour and a half.

It felt strange being here...in the pack house. Really strange

Graces P.O.V

I bit my lip and turned sharply to my closet to find something to wear. I carelessly flicked through my carefully hung out outfits,I wasnt entirely sure what I wanted to wear but if I saw something I fancied...well then Ill wear it.

I quickly turned to head to look out my window to check the weather but instead gasped as I came face to face with Blake. My eyes fell to his lips as I saw them curl up into a smirk. My breathing hitched and I felt my knees go weak.

He's too damn good looking

He leant forward but went past my lips and to my ear.
"You look insanely hot in the morning...your hair all messy like that" his voice was low and all to sexy. I whimpered,he pulled out and pulled on his lower lip with his teeth.


Why do guys do that?

Is it cos they know how fucking attractive it is?

Must be...pfft the bastards

I opened my mouth to attempt a reply
"Ummm I-I-umm-I-cant-umm-I"
I mentally face palmed myself, I shouldn't even of bothered.

His arms slowly slid down my side and rested on my hips. He chuckled deeply and I found myself staring at his lips again. Why was he doing this? We have school soon and at the moment the heats settled down...he's hyping it back up again!

My stomach tightened with desire and I felt all ounces of self control melt away. Before I could stop myself my arms wrapped themselves around Blakes neck and pulled him to me.

Possession of the Enemy [ON HOLD] (Sequel to "Possession of the Alpha")Where stories live. Discover now