Possession of the Enemy (Closer)

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Graces P.O.V

My dad had left a little while after and my mom had come in to talk to me,I appreciate my mom so much! Despite me always being closer to my dad,I loved her deeply. Her opinion also meant the world to me and I was so glad after she'd said what she had to say.



After my dad had gone,I'd slumped back into my covers. Blake was waiting outside,I could smell him. I was dying for him to come back up,I was falling seriously hard for him and after just a few days,slowly I felt myself falling in love with him. My thoughts suddenly snapped back to why he wasn't already back up here,my dad had gone?

"Grace? Are you still awake honey?" My moms velvety voice rippled through my door and I formed an o shape with my mouth. It made sense why he didn't attempt to come back up just yet.

"Yeah mom,come in" I call,the handle turns and my moms beautiful hazel eyes meet mine. My mom was unbelievably beautiful and it was strange her still looking 17,people thought we were sisters when we went out! She smiled sweetly and slowly approached my bed,she sat beside me and I sat up to join her.

She lifted her hand and began running it through my long hair.

"Can I see it?" I knew immediately what she meant and I also knew she would handle it better than my dad did. I nodded reluctantly and moved the piece of hair,covering my new scar. I turned my head and heard my moms giggle,why she giggled at the strangest things,I do not know! "Believe it or not,it's actually quite pretty. Now I personally don't like Blake,and in sorry for that but I've had way too many bad times with him. I,just like your dad i will try and get along with him but I can't promise anything." I turned my head back to her and mustered a small smile,I appreciate her trying.

"Thanks mom." She smiled warmly at me and I expected her to stand up ad leave,I kinda wish she did.

"Grace,you've known Blake for almost 3 days now. The heat will kick in really soon and.....I just don't want you getting hurt. Vampires loose control way too easily,him marking you was probably torture for him....I just want you to be careful" I knew she had issues with him,but her lack of trust annoyed me a little. I couldn't blame her through,I sighed and rested my head on her shoulder. She placed her hand gently on my head and began gently playing with my hair.

"I know mom,but Blake is my mate....I trust him" I whispered,she giggled yet again."

"You've always been so trusting,it's one of the things that makes you so special. I love you,just be careful okay?" Her voice held some warning and I nodded,I appreciated her not snapping my head off. I sat back up and looked at her,smiling.

"I love you too" she smiled once more then slowly stood up and made her way towards the door. Just before she left,she turned around with a smirk on her face.

"Just tell Blake not to stay TOO LATE" she said the last bit,louder and I groaned as I realised she knew the whole time. I heard Blake snicker,mom turned away and closed the door before walking back down to the lounge.

"Don't worry,I won't stay too much longer" I could practically hear his smirk as he whispered in my ear. He was fricking fast! I giggled and turned around to face him,amusement was clear on his face and seeing him just made me smile.

I reached up and cupped his cheek with my hand,he leant into my touch and I just wanted to kiss him yet again.

"You're welcome to stay as long as you want..." A serge of confidence rushed through me and I found myself smirking. "Plus....I haven't marked you yet" he smirked in return and moved away from me. I turned to where he was now to see him laying down,with lust heavy in his eyes. I bit my lower lip and crawled over him and rested on his lower abdomen. I was straddling him,which he clearly seemed to enjoy by how he was smirking at me. I rested my hands on his chest and slowly leant down,I began planting light kisses on his neck. My eyes widened as I noticed his bite mark,that was obviously where he was changed. I chose the other side of his neck and gently lashed out my tongue,he let out a low groan and I decided this was a good spot.

Possession of the Enemy [ON HOLD] (Sequel to "Possession of the Alpha")Where stories live. Discover now