•Rebuilding• *

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Part I

When we arrived at our new home, we went to sleep and woke up early. We celebrated our victory with a good breakfast. When we were done, we went to work on our home. "Okay girls, we have to go out to the city. We have to get cement, bricks, gates, not to forget we need to buy the trucks and wood. We will start with the gate first. This territory is 90 acres. That'll be a long and impenetrable wall. There will only be one entrance, but many secret exits as well. We are 19 strong women. In one week the council will come to check on us. Then they'll see whether they'll allow us entrance to the other close packs or not. The territory behind ours is a no-mans' land"

They nodded. "When we grow, we will ask for that land. Let's go girls" I smile. They smile and nod. We all pile up into the van and head out to the city. It was a long way, but we made it. Jane and Juliet went for the needs to make cement and the other girls get wood and bricks. Janelle and Sarah go buy trucks. I hand the girls money and they leave to do their parts. I go to a Home Depot and get paint. I see the girls looking for types of wood. I smile and choose a deep burgundy, vibrant violet, cream, a baby blue. Calm, cool, and other flashy colors. I grab a matte black. I pay for the paint, leave and put it in the car. I drive back home and see the girls and many trucks unloading the things. I help out and we take all the things out and take the trucks back. We drive back home and start building the gates with stone that's durable and indestructible.

We use some equipment we bought and make the wall about 20 feet high. What happens in here, stays in here. We put wires laced with wolfsbane and silver on the top. We end up going back until we finally cover the whole territory. We mold big iron gates laced with silver and wolfsbane, thick enough to not let anyone try and get through. We make it so we can manually or electrically open it. It has locks that connect in an instant and doesn't unlock at all no matter what.

Our final step is to watch as Lucia blesses the castle, the woods, and the gates. She also places wards on the wall. As we begin walking back to the castle to do more, we spot 4 identical girls; Each older than the one before. One girl is about 7, another around 24, another 40 and another about 60 or more. They look at us hopefully. Rouges. We all still, well the girls, still smell like rouges too. The elder one speaks, "Miss, we seek shelter if you will allow us. It seems you're making a pack. Please, my granddaughter was rejected for adopting this girl. We all left with her. Please. We have been wandering for over 2 weeks with barely any water or food" The lady pleads. I look at my girls and nod.

I open the gate. "Come in quickly ma'am. You are right. We got the council's approval and we are starting an all-female pack. Susan, take the ladies to the, um well, I'm sorry we still have to do our home, but take her to the entrance where the mini fridge is. Give them water and food" I nod towards the house. "Okay. Come on, ladies. I'll be back Alpha," Susan said as she leads them away. We finish up a mini station where we have the controls to the gates. We put cameras outside quickly on the top of the walls to surround the whole territory and we decide that we will change shifts every two hours to start. We all get food and lay down on mats we got. Well, it seems tomorrow we will start with the house. Well more like castle. Our new home.

I thought about stopping there but the chapters have been short so I'm going make it longer, kinda like my other books. 😌

Part II

The next day when we wake up, we get changed once again and eat.
"Okay girls, so today we start rebuilding the house. Susan, I want you to go with the ladies from yesterday and buy them clothes. I also need you to take Esmeralda so she can talk to a company. They shall come here in 3 days. We have to be able to finish this by then. Francisca you and Abby get the stuff you need to be able to craft the stuff we need a lot. Buy lots of silver. We are gonna make a nice home and when needed a torture chamber. Here is the plan" They all nod attentively.

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