•Epilogue• *

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Third Person POV****
(This is about seven years later. Which means Tyler, his siblings, and the girls are now sixteen years old. Alexandria is either 26 or so and Lucas is 27-28.)

"Alexa! What is this!?" Alexa hears Lucas and rushes from her study in her home, all the way to the castle's living room. Inside are three identical five-year-olds. They look up innocently. The living room is in shreds and Lucas is fuming. She laughs. "Calm down babe. The kids must have shifted. Isn't that right?" The children nod. Alexa looks back at her mate and sees anger all in his eyes. "Trevor!" After a second, Trevor walks down the stairs and looks at his mom. "Yeah, Mom? Did I do something that requires an earful?"

Alexa smiled softly. "No son. Take Xavier, Cole, and Valentia to Alex. Tell him he and his children can have a sleepover with them" She says. Trevor knew what would happen. "Sure thing mom" The two little boys grab their sister's hands and walk away following their older brother. "Lucas, calm down. It was an accident and they are just kids. Also, it's just a few pillows. We can get new ones" Alexa says once they are out of hearing distance. "It's NOT just that SIMPLE Alexandria!" He yells. Alexa yells.

"Don't raise your voice at me! It was a fucking ACCIDENT. Get the fuck out of my house and come back when you're done with your bullshit!" She was getting tired of all these fights. "This is MY house! You get out!" He retorts. "Very well!" Alexa shouts. Alexa turns and lets tears fall from her eyes. She begins walking away when Lucas grabs her. She quickly pushes him back but he keeps her in his arms. "I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry," he says many times. "This has happened for the past five years, Lucas. No matter how many times you apologize, you keep doing it again. What has gotten into you?! Ever since that... What really happened in the meeting room?" She asks. He cannot speak.

As he's about to talk, "I said leave me ALONE, Stephanie! Don't EVER fucking enter my ROOM! I've warned you a million times!" They hear Tyler yell. "Leave her alone Tyler! she was WORRIED about you" They hear Tj yell back. "no one fucking asked her! this is my last WARNING. don't ever fucking enter my room. As a matter of fact, never talk to me!" Tyler yells. The door slams. Alexa and Lucas run up the stairs and see Steph crying. Tj is held back and is yelling. The girls try to console Stephanie but she pushes them back and rushes to her room.

"Tj, calm down son. The lot of you back to your rooms. I'll talk to Steph" Lucas says. Alexa watches him go and knock. Alex knocks on Tyler's room and he says for whoever it is to leave him alone. Alexandria ignores what he says and enters the room. "I said I didn't want to see an-" he begins. Alexa glares. Teenager much? "Tyler Mason King Carter Summers. Sit your ass in that bed and look at me" Alexa says sternly. Tyler looks at her.

"Mother please, leave me alone," he says. "Tyler, we are going to talk about what happened today and if you dare raise your voice, I'm going to slap you for the very first time. And let me tell you, you will not enjoy it" Alexa threatens. Tyler sits in his bed. Alexa takes a moment to look at the room he never let anyone enter. Alexa sniffs and smells a faint smell of something. She walks around and opens drawers and looks under the bed. She then looks in his closet and finds the thing.

"Is this why you've never let anyone in your bedroom and just yelled at Stephanie, and practically broke the girl's heart!?" Alexa yells. "Be careful mom!" Tyler yells. "What did I say?!" Alexa reminds. "I'm sorry, but be careful!" Tyler says as he looks at the bowl. "Tyler, I know what I'm holding, it's an Oracle's scrying bowl. These are herbs, and these are herbs not meant to ever be used unless it's an evil Oracle. What are you doing with them?!" She yells. "I can't tell you. Dad and I promised" Tyler says softly.

There is a knock on the door and Lucas along with Steph who has her eyes covered up as she walked in. Stephanie stands while Lucas sits on the couch. "Tyler, I told Stephie that you just had a sudden anger emotion out of nowhere because of your hormones since your wolf is growing. Isn't that right?" Lucas asks. "Yeah" Tyler replies. Stephanie nods but her eyes are closed. "Stephanie, honey. Why are your eyes closed? You can open them, you know" Alexa says.

"No. He said not to talk to him or go into his room. But Luke made me. The next best thing I can do is keep my eyes closed and let him have his privacy" Stephanie says softly. Tyler has his eyebrows furrow and a frown on his face. "I'm sorry Stephanie. I didn't mean it. I just had an anger issue as dad said. It slipped and I regretted it as soon as I got in here" Tyler says. Stephanie just nodded and kept her eyes closed. When Tyler got close and touched her, she flinched.

Shock and pain flashed before Tyler's eyes. He knew she was afraid of him. Stephanie excused herself and ran out. "Tyler, refrain from ever disrespecting any girls. Or your siblings. Together, all five of you and your mates, you will rule the Vampire kingdom and the pack. Is that clear?" Alexa says. "Yes, mother. As will be done. May I leave, to ask for forgiveness from my brothers?" Tyler says. Alexandria nods and Tyler leaves. He enters the rooms and his brothers glare at him and the girls look down. He does not see Stephanie.

"I'm sorry. What I did was wrong. My wolf is everywhere right now and I couldn't control it. I also have something in my room that is very important. I shouldn't have screamed like that. Please forgive me. Stephanie is scared of me. I don't want to be like that" Tyler looks down. The boys look at their brother then at each other.
Turner walks over to him and hugs him. The rest follow and hug him tightly. "Just don't ever be a jerk to any of us again and we'll be fine. We get it, bro, our wolves sometimes gain control. We swear to stay away from your room. But if needed to we will knock" Trevor promises. Tyler nods.


Alexa watches both the kingdom and the pack from the top of a mountain. After long years, they were able to join both the pack and the kingdom. They were also able to join both castles. Even though the pack castle was smaller, it was used for meetings and those wolves who didn't want to move. They had successfully battled millions of haters and those against the rule of both her and Lucas. Everything was perfect. But then it wasn't. It could be chaos at times.

Every once in a while, Lucas would have serious anger fits. They would yell at one another. On occasions, Alexa would pack her bags and she and her children would cross a very long hall into the castle and slam shut the door accessing the building. They always solved it, but she feared someday, they wouldn't be able to solve it. "That day in the meeting room... It was confirmed that a small part of Kyle's wolf managed to hide. It is now in me. In the time I have my fits, is the time it gets close to... fully overcoming me" Lucas sits beside her.

"That's why Tyler, who has the ability of an oracle, can predict if soon it will overcome me. That's why he also has the ability of a warlock, given by The Elder Witch, to make potions" he says softly. "Dangerous potions, that help subdue it" he explains. "Kyle also battles it as much as he can and so far it's successful. You know all those men I've sent on missions? They try to find the object that is supposed to help me" Lucas stares over at their land.
Alexandria turns to her mate, with tears in her eyes. "Why didn't you tell me this before?! You know how many times I thought you stopped loving me?!" Alexa says. "That would never happen. I love you too much. You are my Queen" Lucas says. "Is that why Tyler asked for his own room?" Alexa says. She remembered that day well.

He heard him crying but couldn't go in to comfort him. "Yeah. I was sad to find out he wanted to recluse himself but I had to accept it. But another thing happened. Elder Ortence took him to the side and spoke to him. I don't know what she said but after that, he's been all over his bedroom. Did you see his bedroom is all black and with so many different runes?" Lucas says. He never understood runes much. "Yes. Some are healing, some are seeing, some are dark. He goes to visit the Centaurs every once in a while. They gave him a rune book. He likes studying them. As long as it's nothing bad, I'm fine with it. But, what is the object you need?"
Alexa shrugged "It's the ruby of night. It's a magical ring that can either remove or add evil from the soul. But I can't use it on my own. Someone has to use it on me" He explains to her.

"I'll do it. I don't care how, but we will find that ring. As soon as the children turn eighteen, we will give them the reign and we're going to find that ring. Xavier, Cole, and Valentina will stay here because we don't know how dangerous you can become. Once we find that ring, we are coming back and enjoying the rest of our forever" Alexa says firmly, done with all the messed up bs in their life. She just wants some normality in her life.

"Promise?" He asks. "I promise. We will be together for the rest of our lives. The King of vampires and the Alpha of The 'Slut' Pack" she says.
Lucas and Alexandria hold one another as they look down at their home, their kingdom, their family.

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