•The In-laws• *

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"Troy King Summers! Get your booty over here, what is it that you did to Athena!?" I yell as I glare at Troy.
"I said I was sorry ma! I didn't mean to hit her! I was chasing Kyoto and then she was in the way and I accidentally hit her! But I apologized to her" Troy protests as he watches me. "Okay, well go play. Athena. Do you wanna play too?" I say, happy of my son apologizing. "Uh, yes ma'am," Athena says. "Good. Go play and call me Alexa" I remind her. She nods.
"Okay. Goodbye, ma'am. See you later"
I laugh and say bye. She is such a proper little lady. I go to my office and sit in my chair. I sigh and start on the paperwork. I notice one that says, King Lucas King. I laugh at that and open it. It'll never stop being funny.


Vampire King, Lucas King.

The Kingdom requests for your return. There have been many of your subjects who say the olden King and Queen are acting as if they had never passed on the throne. They talk nonsense about your beloved and children. I'm in fear I may be killed. That's why I've done the most as possible to make this letter a secret. I hope your beloved wakes up soon and you both may return. Please, our future is in your hands. Your friend and right-hand man has placed a guard or two secretly for me. I hope I don't get caught. If I do though, please make sure nothing happens to my family. One of your loyal subjects, now and forever,

Martin Strand


I gasp and look at the date. It was written a week ago and from the looks of it, it was never open. "June!" I yell.
June walks in quickly. "Yes Alpha, do you need anything?" She asks. I stand up. "Yes. I'm going to go out quickly to the Vampire Kingdom. I have to find something out. Don't tell Lucas where I'm going. If he knows you're lying, tell him I forced you to keep quiet" I command and she bows. "Yes Alpha" is the last I hear. I quickly walk out. I nod at Mark and he opens the gates. He closes it immediately after I'm gone and I start running quickly, maybe as quick as a Vampire.

(A/N- Quick thing. in my book here, vampires are faster than werewolves unless a vamp is bad and is like a rouge vamp attacking a pack or when a wolf is in danger then the goddess gives them the help to run faster. Back to the story)

I use my newfound power to cover me. I concentrate and suddenly feel a change. I stop and spot someone... A *sniff sniff* Rouge. By the looks of it, this man is good. I step in front of him and he appears not to see me. I think again and then the man sees me.
"Oh. Ma'am! I didn't see you there. Could you help me? I was convicted of murder. But I swear it wasn't me! My, my, own son accused me. He did it. He killed a man who was supposedly trying to aggravate his wife. I tried to reason with him but when the patrol came, he said I did it. I was about to say it wasn't but he has a family, a mate, and kids. I have nothing. My kids have their own families and my mate... she has long since disappeared in a pack fight once. Never to be seen again... Its been 8 years" the man explains. By then he starts crying and I just know he is honest. I can feel it.

Judge my emotions but I know when one lies. This man does not lie. "Don't worry. Don't cry. I'll help you. I'll take you to my pack" I say, smiling softly. "But won't your Alpha not believe me?" He asks sadly. Apparently, more than one Alpha has already rejected him. "Well, as an Alpha, I say you are innocent" I smile and he looks up, happiness in his teary eyes. "Thank you, Alpha..." He says but finds himself not knowing her title.

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