•Announcement• *

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"Welcome everybody. Today, we have asked you to come here, because King Lucas and I have an announcement to make to everyone in the SN world" I say, my expression masked as I face the crowd and the cameras. "After weeks of us finding each other as mates... we've decided, we are not meant to be. Since we are mates or beloveds, we'd only hurt one another if we rejected each other. Since we basically need each other we are basically..." He stops as he looks at the cameras. No, he has to do this. "... A divorced couple. We will be allies when needed" I explain quickly.

"That is all... Thank you for coming. Goodbye," He says and I see his fists clenched at his side. We both nod at each other and turn, facing away from each other. I manage to hide my smile well and I walk down my side of the stage in the Vampire Kingdom. All the vampires try to ask me questions but I ignore them and Alexander grabs my hand. This is so weird. We walk to the car and get in. Once Jason starts driving, I sigh in relief. "Gosh. Do you think the news will spread quickly?" I ask as I turn to Alex. "Are you kidding me? As soon as we started driving and Luke got into the house, they ran. It'll be spread in a matter of hours. Now we must get to the pack. Ma-" He stops as he turns to the window. "What?" I say confused.

"Stop the car, Jason. Now" Alex orders. Jason looks at me and I nod. He stops the car. "What is it?" I ask again. "That's her... My mate" he says nervously and I see a girl walking. "Wait. We need to tell her. I'll get her" I say. "What do you mean g-" I hop out of the car and slam the door shut. I fix my dress. I run and pick her up. She starts screaming and I throw her in the car. "Alexa!" Alex yells in protest. I get inside. "Sorry" I apologize.

The girl sits up and I see her and Alexander look at one another before she looks at me and glares. "Don't look at me like that. We aren't even dating. It's something we decided to do so we could all be safe. Alexander is like a brother to me. No worries I won't kiss him but I may have to hug him once or twice. Believe me, when I say I don't like him. He's too... I don't know. Now my mate... girl let me tell you!" I smirk. "Ok. We get it, Alexa. Now shoo. I need to talk to my mate" Alexander says. I raise my eyebrows.

"Excuse me!? This is my car! But whatever. I'll run. Want to make a bet? I'll get there before you" I say. "Deal" he smirks. I get out of the car and close it before the car starts. I focus and run. Damn, I forgot about the heels, oh well. I continue running, quickly passing the car. I smell burning rubber and I see the heels slowly losing, well, the... heels. I look over my shoulder and use my water powers to grab me and float me over the wall. I get down and flip my hair.

I check myself and see everything in place. I go to the front where the entrance is at and stand there smirking. The car comes in and Alex and his mate get out. Alex was obviously annoyed. "I win" I smirk. We turn around and walk-in. Lacey, a little girl of about six or seven, comes skipping to us. She bows and hands me a pair of heels. "Good afternoon, Alpha. Madame Luna told me to bring you these shoes. Good afternoon, Mr. Alexander, Miss" Lacey smiles politely. "Why, thank you, Lacey! You can go play now" I say. She nods and bows before running away, giggling.

"Be careful you, Lacey has a crush on Alexander. Don't want her stealing him from you. Wait, what's your name?" I joke around. "My... My name is Catherine" she says softly. I grin. "Well you two go... enjoy yourselves. Just don't get out of the territory. We don't need trouble. Where's Maddox?" I ask Alex. "Meeting Room," he says, looking at his mate. I put on the heels and walk to the meeting room. When I enter, I see him smiling charmingly and I feel a small tingle but I remind myself it's just a potion. "Maddox," I say, firmly. "Good afternoon, Alpha Summers" he smiles smoothly and I let Dulce partially control me. "Sit please," I say. He and his Beta sit and I use my water powers and shoot him.

There's a light hiss and a small light. "What was that?! Did you just attack the Alpha?" The Beta says, angry and I hear that accent now. "Sit down, now. I know of Kyle and you. Of what you did to me" Maddox looks scared. "It's okay, really. You need my help and so you will have it. Keep informing him of everything. In a time span of six months, you will tell him that I'm going to West Grove to attend to some business. I'll let him take me as long as you get your family back. As soon as that happens, you leave and hide your family. I will manage to get myself free. Don't try to get me. Okay?" I say firmly, leaving no space for arguing.

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