•Loyalists• *

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"Mom! Dad!" I hear my kids crying and calling Luke and I. I open my eyes and sit up quickly. I motion for a hug and I am hugging ten kids. "What's wrong boys, girls? Why are the princes and princesses of this castle crying?" I ask as I hold them tighter, Lucas hugging them too. "We woke up... and we were hungry. So, So, we went downstairs and saw two maids. We asked them if they could please get out the cereal for us from the counter since we are still small.

They turned and showed u-us their fangs. They said we don't belong here. That we are ruining the King's, Dad's, future. That we are a disgrace and that there are loyal Vampires to the old King and Queen, who hate us all except Dad. Then they were yelling bad words at the girls. We tried to defend them and they..." Tyler says but can't finish as he cries harder. He starts crying and I see something in his face. I feel Dulce become agitated.

I turn his head, confused. I see a... handprint. I turn all the boys' faces and then the girls. "Did...did..." I stutter as my ability to speak is lost. Who would do such a thing to a child? "Did they hit you, Troy?" Lucas asks for the two of us. "Yes, Dad. They hit all of us" Troy, usually one of the toughest, says. His voice was broken and sad. "I'll deal with this" Lucas says as he begins standing but I sit him back down. "No! I'm going to deal with this. I'm sick and tired of your parents treating our kids like..." I omit myself from cursing in front of the children. "...and now their followers! Especially some fucking vampire whores hit my kids!" There goes my attempt. I look at him and he nods, giving me his approval. I nod back.

I turn to the children. "Kids, stay here with your dad. Don't leave this room, no matter what you hear" I say. They nod and keep crying. I change quickly into black skinny jeans, a red blouse, and combat boots. I nod and open my door. I close my eyes and try to talk to my wolf. It's been such a long time.


"Hey Dulce," I say. "Finally! It's been forever!" She comments as I notice her happy temper. "I know doll. Can you help me find the scent of those whores?" I ask as I close the door and begin my course down the hall. "Of course! Ain't nobody going to hurt my pups. Let's go!" She says, happy to hurt the ones who hurt our pups.


I chuckle lightly and my sense of smell heightens. I smell their cheap perfumes, still in the kitchen. Their scent had been kept with my children. I run down the stairs and see them. I also spot Carlos, Lilian, and my in-laws. I growl and my canines and claws grow. I rush with my super speed and grab those two by the neck. My claws dig into their skin. "What are you doing!? Put them down, Alexa!" Carlos yells. I growl at him and he bows. "They hit my kids. MY kids! You two little bitches! If you know your old King and Queen so much, you would know that if you mess with MY kids, you will feel pain. Isn't that right you two?" I yell at my mate's parents. I slam the maids against the wall again. It leaves a dent.

"Carlos, get the vampires here. Now! I want them all outside. I'm going to show them what happens when you hurt my family... When you decide to be part of my in-laws hate squad" He bows and goes. I see the whores grinning and I snarl. I take them outside and see many vampires staring at me. I place the two maids down, holding them in place with water cuffs. They'll learn... They keep smiling. They don't know who I am or what I am capable of doing to them.

"This meeting is to let you know what happens if you mess with my family. This morning, my kids and their little friends, asked for cereal from... these. They not only verbally attacked them, but also hit my children" I snarl at the two. The crowd gasps and some are mad at them. "So, I am going to demonstrate, to those who support my in-laws, hate me and the kids, what happens when you harm my family" I face the maids and snarl.

They bare their fangs to me. I snarl back and grab the blonde one by the hair. I pull on her hair so she looks up at me. I smirk and grab her by the head. I hold it tightly and twist. I hear a crack and hold her head, now unattached. I snarl and then go to the brunette one. I smirk as she whimpers. "Please, I have kids!" She begs and that makes me angrier. I can see the fear in her eyes and I adore it.

"So do I! You should know as a mother, you defend your kids with everything in your power and you hurt mine! I'll be merciful and not kill your children" With that, I twist her head off and I let her head go, rolling on the floor. I face the vampires, staring up at me in pure shock. They knew now. I could see it on their eyes. I glared and they bowed before me, obedient and silent. I never wanted this but if this is what it took to earn their respect, or fear, then I was fine.

"Let this be a lesson to you all! I won't tolerate anyone treating my kids, my pack, or me like shit. I respect all of you and I will do whatever to help you but cross me, hurt my kids, those little girls, and you will make yourself an enemy. I'm done hearing bullshit of the old King and Queen" I point at my in-laws. "Those little boys were mine and Lucas's sons when we decided to adopt them! They will become Kings. I don't know how you were ruled here, but I'm the Queen now. I have so much experience. I was an Alpha. I still am an ALPHA and you will respect me! Carlos get these bodies out of here" I order and turn to my in-laws who are shocked.

"You two, I dare you to lay a finger on my kids, to tell your minions to touch them, and I'll personally kill you. I'll kick you out of the kingdom. This is your final warning" I threaten. They nod silently and I march upstairs. I go to my room and I see the boys calmer now. The girls too, while my mate is looking out at the window. I sigh slowly and he turns. He smiles lightly and I sigh in relief. I go over to him and hug him. He smiles and hugs me back. I breathe his scent in and instantly calm down. "I'm sorry" I mutter. He lifts my chin up so I stare at his dark brown eyes and he smiles.

"It's okay darling. Really, it is. You did what you had to do to show that you are their Queen and that they should not defy you or our kids" He kisses me softly and I kiss him back. We pull away when the kids screech lightly. We laugh and then I look at Luke. He nods lightly and the kids look at us scared. We run after the kids to tickle them. I may still miss my home and every single thing is now so very very different, but I know we will get through this. I'm now the Alpha Queen and I couldn't be happier.

Hey y'all!! So here is my next chapter. Honestly, I'm shocked that this book has 600+ views and I'm incredibly happy. Keep reading. Critics are accepted. Vote, comment... But overall read and enjoy. I'm 13. So... it's pretty amazing that my book is good. I don't particularly think it's that good but I try. On other news, my birthday is coming up so I'm pretty excited. Bye! 😀😛😌 :)

(Another A/N: I WAS REALLY 13! whilst writing this story in the beginning?! It amazes me and horrifies me on my grammar errors. It's been over three years then. I've gone from this reclusive 13 year old, with horrible taste in people to a less reclusive 16 year old, who is trying to become a better person and writer. Wattpad has helped a lot, now that I think about it... Thank you all)

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