•Wedingtin Pack• *

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We arrive at the Wedington Pack after a few long hours of the women and children from Lupus cheering, crying. Etc. The pack finally got them calmed down enough and sent them to the houses we made. We step out and meet the Alpha after getting the guards to let us in after meeting my angry self and receiving some colorful words from me. The Alpha stands there all proud and smug, having no clue of what we come to do. "Well well well, so the rumors are true! There's a female Alpha. What was it called Ben?" He asks his beta, I assume.

"Heard it was the slut pack, Dean. What, you've come to tell us we need to reserve ahead of time if we want the good bitches?" They laugh, all smug. I glance and see no women. "Where are the women?" I ask. "They aren't here. Never been. They're doing their rightful chores, that's what women were made for" the Alpha says and my jaw clenches. "Bring out the women" I command simply. "Ha. Sure Alpha Summers" They laugh and I glare before they whistle and the women come running out, as to not get beaten. Not only are they treated as slaves, but fucking dogs?! Bloody hell! Compared to the men, they have almost no clothing except to cover their private parts and breasts.

It's pretty chilly right now considering winter is coming and they are shivering. Little kids come behind them, again the boys all nice and dressed, the girls barely covered except a simple rag dress. "Girls, Ma'ams. I come here for one reason only. That is to save you from these abusive conditions these... men are putting you in. I mean come on! You are shivering in the cold! They're all warm and here you are! What mate does that to his mate? These girls! I got the permission to choose seven packs and I am coming from one that had the worst men. Don't you want freedom?" I ask, my voice raising.

"How many times could you dress up, go out, have fun, be able to say what you want, without risking getting hurt. Who wants that freedom?" I yell, getting excited at the thought of seeing these women and girls happy. Women raise their hands and I smile slightly. I nod at my members and they all hand warm blankets to the women. The women smile as they get warmer. A werewolf can only do so much. "Get in the car girls. We are changing your lives" I say and they begin heading in. The Alpha is left mouth wide open. "By what, making them whores!?" The Beta yells.

"Don't you- You know what? Think what you want, you little pea sized brained imbecile of a Beta! You have mistreated these poor women. At what point!? That your Alpha killed his own mate?! Children next" I glare, my eyes flashing as Dulce gets ready to come out. "Alpha Summers. Cars A, B, and C are filled. Car D is halfway and that's all" Blake says. I nod and in the end, about a dozen women stay with their children. "Listen, ladies. You may think they'll appreciate that you stayed but in the end, they'll hurt you more. If you ever want to find me, my pack is the old castle. You'll always be welcomed. Good luck ladies. May the goddess protect you from the evil" I make a silent prayer. We leave the pack after some ordering around.

I pick up the walkie talkie. "Drivers take the women to the pack and then meet us at Washington point. Five miles from the next pack" I say into it. I watch them leave and see the other car where Lucia and the girls are, following me. We park in the lot, five miles and since it's night time by the time we get there, Lucia decides we should sleep here. She puts up protection spells just in case. I notice beads of sweat on her forehead. I'll have to remember not to pressure her too much. She's done a lot already.

I lay back into my car seat and just stay there. If Lucas is correct about what he said, tomorrow is his coronation as King of the Vampire Kingdom. Damn, I'm such a mess up. But I can't go get him like some heroine. My pack needs me. I need to be there for them. Those women, these children. They need me, even if it means losing my mate. It's my pack that needs me the most, even if it means my mate marries someone else. My pack needs me, I remind myself over and over again. That's my reason, not anything else, at all.

The pack needs an Alpha at full capacity. Dulce mutters. Oh so now you talk, wolf I scowl. She growls. Same to you human! She says, sounding intensely annoyed.

I roll my eyes and slowly fall asleep. Forgetting all this drama for now, for now. Because it'll all come back up later, tomorrow, someday.

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