•Ellington Pack• *

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We, as I had said, arrived by 6. I go up to the border and go to the wolf patrol. I stop in front of them. "Who are you, you aren't authorized to enter!" the wolf on patrol yelled rudely. "Oh no-" I fake gasp then smirk. "Tell your Alpha I wish to see him. Tell him I have a Council Pass" He stands there mute. Gosh, I guess he can't stand a girl ordering him around. "Hurry now little mutt. Tell him Alpha Summers is here to see him," I order. He growls but nods. I notice him mind linking. "Alpha says go on" the guard mutters. "Bye" I wave. I pull my window up and I and the others zoom through in our cars.

We stop in front of the yard of the pack house and notice all woman and little girls off into one corner. The woman with bruises and the little girls with slight cuts. Meanwhile, the boys are playing happily but some are just trying to go to their mothers. I scowl. I see the Alpha come outside and we all step off of our cars. I go to the front and look at him straight in the eyes. I notice a girl about 16 by his side but not touching him, and with too many bruises. Meanwhile, he is looking at me with lust. I look at him with disgust, "Alpha Ellington," I say, no respect in my voice, but he is too busy checking me out to notice.

He looks up to my eyes after scanning me through and through. The disgust. "Alpha! hahaha! Summers. Gosh, that's funny! Never had a female look at me right in the eyes and tell me she's an Alpha" he laughs at my title and I bite back from attacking the bastard right there. "Well, now you do. Straight to business. I'm Alpha Summers of the Fury Pack. I've come to take the women who wish to go with me to my pack, as my pack members. As well as children" I state firmly. He stops smiling and glares. "OF COURSE NOT. GET OUT!" He yells and his men get ready to attack. I tut as I shake my head. I'm ready to leave.

"Ah ah. Mr. Alpha, I have a council pass. Here it says once I choose my 7 packs, I get to go and ask who wishes to go with me and you have to sign this" I hand it to him. He grabs the paper and tries to tear it but he can't since it's council paper, it's law. He sighs and demands a pen. I give him one and he signs. "Also now that you have signed this, you can't forewarn any other pack. If I know you well, you would tell all the packs. If you do, they'll threaten the woman and children. Now," I motion for my warriors to gather everyone around and the men glare. I ignore them. They're not why we came here today.

"As you may have heard, I am Alpha of the Fury pack. Now I know this is one the mainlands where woman are treated horribly. If you wish for this to stop, come with me. They can't try to take you back. I swear. Don't let them scare you" No one comes and the Alpha smirks. I turn around and we begin to leave, defeated. That's when I hear a little "Wait." I turn around and see the girl who was behind him. "You little... Get back here!" The Alpha yells and grabs her arm. "Don't touch her!" He lets her go reluctantly. She slowly walks to me and I speak softly.

"What's your name?" I ask. "I... I... am... Rocio Ellington, his daughter. Is it true you can help us?" She asks, hope in her eyes. "Yes, it's true" I answer honestly. "Then please, take my mom and I. She... She gets beaten by him every day. For having a daughter, rather than a son. Please!" She begs, tears falling. "Blake and David. Follow her. Help her mother and her get their stuff and into the Van that Danielle is driving" I hear many little whispers. Finally, an elderly woman comes. She sighs.

"I'll go too. I have to be with my granddaughter. I've lived long and allowed his father make him into a sexist pig. Hey, sweety pie. Help me with my stuff" she says to one of my boys. "Sorry son, I'll visit on Christmas," she tells her son who is left gaping. When he tries to warn her, she gives him a stern glare that he stops in his place, head bowed down to her. She pats his head softly.

Blake helps her and soon many little voices are heard. A little girl about 7 comes up and pulls on my skirt. I look down and smiles. "Are you gonna take us to a new house to be happy, Lady, sir, ma'am?" She says quickly. I smile and nod. "Do you want to?" She nods eagerly. "Yes sir, ma'am. Are we girls going to be able to play, have fun, and not see our mommy's cry?" She asks, her grin widening. I control my anger.

"Yes, I'll make sure they're okay. Do you want to go?" I ask. "Yeah! Me and my friends. But no daddy, he hits me if I yell at brother. And brother is mean he pulls my little piggytails," she pouts. "Well, go pack up. You and your friends" I say. She runs up to her house and so do other little kids. I look up. "All men stay here. No leaving. If you want to go with us go and pack your stuff. Only your necessities and some personal stuff. Come back and they'll help you. Only if you know treating women like this is wrong. This is your one and only chance. I make this exception for the children" I see woman race down as fast as they can and so do some kids. Some little boys run to their moms and hug them tightly, refusing to let them go. Some flinch, others hug back. I sigh softly. It'll take a lot of time to help them get all they've feared out of their system.

"Boys who want to go with their moms and know that they'll have to treat the girls right can go," I say, looking serious. Some race to their rooms and soon many suitcases and people come out. I call Lucia and she answers. "Ready?" I ask. "Yep," she appears and tells everyone to label their suitcases. They do as said and then she tells them to put it together. She concentrates and the suitcases disappear. I tell them to get in the van and then Lucia concentrates again and they disappear. The van pops back empty and the rest get in.

We get ready to leave. "Wait, please," I turn around and see 4 men. "We want to come with you, please. Our wives. We wouldn't beat them, so others would beat them, in order for us not to die, they made us hit them. Please, we don't want to lose our family's, we are all related. We had to fake so they wouldn't die," the one who asked to wait speaks. "Get in. If I said no you'd be dead, Let's go. Danielle, we'll see you all again tomorrow. Lucia, don't tire yourself out" We all get in our cars and I wave at Alpha Ellington. I make sure Danielle leaves first, since she has everyone in the van. Soon the other vans follow after her. I smile.

"Bye Alpha, remember, no speaking. Well you couldn't. Also you can't start a war, says it there. We didn't do anything to your pack, Bye!" I say happily. We all drive away and I nod at Lucia. She teleports us to a hotel. We park and enter. "Hello miss, what can I help you with?" The concierge asks. "Hi! We need some rooms. For us. 10 guys and 6 girls" I explain and he nods. "Ok. So around 4 rooms. Ok. So I can put four beds in each room or 3 beds and that's 5 rooms," he asks. "We want 3 beds. And give us 6 rooms. One with one bed. How much would that be?" I ask. "That'll be $420" I take out 5 100 dollar bills and hand it to him. "Keep the change" He nods and motions for a man. He smiles and takes us to our rooms. I thank him.

I enter my room and close the door after saying goodnight. I sigh and grab my suitcase. I open it and grab my night clothes. I see a paper fall. I reach and grab it before it hits the ground. I smile at my reflects. Werewolf since birth or not, I love the abilities we were given. I silently thank the Moon Goddess. I change quickly and then put away the bag I open the paper. I look. Lucas. My eyes begin water. I wipe them away, angry and frustrated. I crumble it and turn the lights off, laying in bed, trying to sleep. I feel... I don't know... Lost?


Alexandria Rene Summers,

Or would you prefer Alpha? Well, whatever. Hope you don't want to kill me for my sarcasm. Well never mind, that's not possible. I thought through what you said. You're right. I have decided to go back to my kingdom. I'll be there by tonight and the coronation will be surely two days after. You're right you know, we don't belong together ever. You're an Alpha now. I'm going to be a King. You have no space in your heart for me. I will let you be, I am going to surely be married in a month at most. As much as it'd pain me, I hope you find someone who you can truly love. Take care of the pack. I'm sure once Seb finds his mate and kids he will be happy. For the last time, I'm telling you this. I LOVE YOU.

Full of Love,

Prince Lucas King, to be King Lucas. But what's a King, without his Queen

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