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I was hiding in the pink store praying I wouldn't be found and have to run. Cause I'm not up for that.

You're probably wondering what's going on? Well we are all playing tag in the mall and I'm hiding in the pink store to be exact.

I bent down behind the clothes as I saw Matt walk into the store. He new this was my favourite, maybe I should've went somewhere else, but too late for that now.

"I know your behind the clothes" I heard matts voice. Without hesitation I ran out of the store. "I'm gonna get you" he yelled.

I couldn't stop laughing while running for some reason.

//is that only me? Cause whenever someone it chasing me, I always laugh\

"Watch it" someone yelled. I ignored them and continued running. I really didn't want to be tagged. But I know matts not gonna stop chasing me.

I ran into the h&m store and started running up the excavator bumping into some people. "Matt I'm getting tired" I said laughing. "I'm not" he laughed.

I ran over to the elevator and pressed the elevator close button. I can see Matt inches from the door. "Hurry up" I mumbled.

As it was half way closed Matt ran in. "Hey babe" he smirked. "Fine, just make me It with you now" I mumbled.

He smirked and slammed me up against the wall. I can feel his warm breath inches away from my skin. "Are you gonna kiss me or not"

He smirked and slammed his lips on to mine. His kiss was rough and passionate, I never want to stop kissing him.

"Jump" he whispered. I did as I was told and wrapped my legs around him. I can feel him asking for an entrance as we kissed. Without hesitation I allowed him.

As his tongue entered mine I gasped. He just smirked at my reaction.


I jumped off him and fixed myself up as the doors opened. "We got a complain about you two, out of my mall" some guy said.

I grabbed matts hand and we started walking. I just laughed. "We can finish that in the bus" he winked.

I bit my lip praying I wasn't blushing like an idiot right now.

We left the mall and into the bus. Everyone was sitting down watching a movie, witch I guess was scary cause they started screaming as we entered the bus.

"Whoa, you guys okay" Matt laughed. They looked at each other and signed in relief. "When did you guys get here?" I asked. "We got kicked out before you guys" Catia said.

She was cuddling up against Johnson. Were they a thing? I grabbed my phone and started texting her.


Me- are you and Johnson a thing

She looked at me and blushed.

Catia- that's for me and him to know


Catia- I love you but no, now I'm gonna go back to the movie

I closed my phone and looked over at Madison. She was next to gilinsky but kept staring and mike. And he kept staring at her.

Ughhh, when are they gonna realize they are perfect for each other and rose is just in the way of that.

Cause I mean they are perfect for each other. "Hey, wanna go to the bunk?" Matt smirked.

I mean if I say yes, something more then a make out session will happen. And I'm still a virgin you know.

"Let's just watch the movie", I sat down next to Cameron and Nash, and saw Matt a little disappointed. I looked at him and mouthed *later*

He smiled and sat down beside Cameron. "I'm sorry" I heard. I looked over and saw Nash. I haven't talked to him since that moment people found out what happened.

I kinda feel bad, me and Nash are actually pretty good friends. "Nash, it's okay. I just want us to go back to being good friends"

He smiled at me and continued watching the movie. It wasn't really that scary. I think everyone was just over reacting.

"I'm gonna make pop corn" I said. I got up and walked over to the kitchen. "Hey" i heard matts voice.

He followed me into the kitchen and pushed me against the wall.

What's gotten into him? He's been acting so different lately. He's been acting horny half the time. Like no Offence or anything.

"I want you" he whispered. "Matt, I just wanna make popcorn" I said. He smirked and started leaning closer. "Me and you can make some popcorn right now"

My mouth dropped. "Okay, Matthew, I'm actually gonna make popcorn now"

I walked past him and put a beg of popcorn into the microwave. "Lindsay would have already fucked me" I heard under his breath.

I don't think I was supposed to hear it but I did. "Fuck you" I mumbled. He looked at me and walked closer. "What, did you say?" He asked annoyed.

I rolled my eyes and ignored him. I swear is this kids bipolar or something. He's gets mad so fucking easily.

Finally when the popcorn was done, I grabbed it out of the microwave and put it in a bowl. "What's your problem" Matt asked pissed.

"My problem, I'm not the one who said Lindsay would have fucked me. You are so fucking bipolar Matt. I can't believe I have to Mary you" I spat.

Now he looked as if he was going to punch a wall. "Wh-at" he said clenching his fist.

I rolled my eyes and walked closer to him. "Unclench your fist" I commanded. "What did you say" he asked again, but this time he was over the top angry.

Maybe I shouldn't have said that. I grabbed his face and kissed his lips passionately. He pushed me off causing me to hit the wall.

"What did you SAY", I looked to the ground not saying anything. I was scared. Super scared.

He  walked closer to me and touched my face. I flinched, thinking he was gonna hurt me. "Did you think I was going to hurt you?" Matt asked. But this time his eyes were soft.

I just looked down. I never really thought their was such an angry side
Of Matt. All I new was Before he was so sweet, and never got so angry.

But now he's scary when he's mad. "Answer me. Did you think I was going to hurt you" he asked again. I looked up and nodded my head.

I felt a tear come down my cheek. I wiped it right away and walked away from him.

I grabbed the popcorn and walked back to every one to see them sleeping. At least they didn't hear anything that just happened.

I placed the popcorn bowl on the table and walked over to the bunk. I grabbed myself a pair of joggers and A hoodie.

I put it on quickly since no one was around and laid down on the bunk. I wonder where Matt is.

I got up and walked around the bus and saw him laying on the sofa. I rolled my eyes and shook him.

His eyes flattered opened. "Come sleep with me" I whispered. "Why would you want me too? You would just think I'm gonna hit you" he said.

I groaned and started pulling his arm. "Matt, please I don't want to argue, I just wanna cuddle"

He smiled and got up. He wrapped his arms around me as we started walking over to the bunk.

I laid down and started cuddling with Matt. I hate the angry side in him.


Why do I always update so late

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