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"And it's all down bitches" I yelled. I bowed in proudness, and laughed In the process. The guys just sat down on their phones.

I rolled my eyes and walked towards them. "Why would you guys come if you aren't even going to bowl?" I asked. They looked at each other and put their
Phones down.

"Okay, we're sorry" Shawn said. I smiled and sat on matts lap. He wrapped his arms around me and placed his head on my shoulder. I smiled and looked at him. He's just to adorable. And no one can say he isn't.

"So, we've been here for a while, you guys wanna leave" Taylor asked. We all agreed and started making our way out. I wanted to stay longer, but looks like they don't like bowling as much as I do.


When we got home me and the girls ran upstairs while the guys plopped themselves on the sofas.

"Guys, since tomorrow is Saturday, you guys wanna go to a festival? I'll ask the guys as well" I said plopping myself on the bed. They nodded their head in excitement and laid down.

I heard a creek at the door and saw Burnie walking in with my charm bracelet hung out of his mouth. This charm bracelet is the only one I have left from when my cousin died.

She was like my best friend. We did everything together, until one day she died of cancer. Before she died she gave me her charm bracelet. It's like the only thing I have that makes me feel close to her.

"Burnie, take it out" I said calmly. I slowly got out of bed and started walking towards him. Every step I took, is every step he took back.

"Burnie, spit it out" I commanded. He
Barked and ran out of the room. I gasped and started chasing him down the stairs. "BURNIE" I screamed.

He ran over to Matt and sat on his lap. "Burnie, SPIT" I shouted. All the guys just looked at me confused. "What's happening?" Aaron asked. "That stupid dog has my charm bracelet in his mouth"

Matts eyes widened and looked pissed. "Don't call Burnie stupid" he spat. I rolled my eyes and walked up to Burnie. "Spit" I whispered.

He tilted his head and burped. "No, no, NO" I got up furious and ran my hands through my hair. Madison and catia ran down the stairs knowing what happened.

They know how much this bracelet means to me, so they know how upset I am right now.

"Who cares I'll jut get you another one" matt said rolling his eyes. "Your dog is so STUPID" I said furiously. He got up and walked up to me. "Don't call him stupid" he whispered madly.

"Dude, chill" mike said. "No" he spat. I rolled my eyes and walked past him. "Where you going?" He asked madly. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the house slamming the door.

I walked around the neighbourhood just looking at my hand.

I heard my phone vibrate and saw it was from Matt.

From Matt- why did you leave!

From Matt- you are so fucking dramatic, honest to God man

From Matt- you should never speak to Burnie like that ever again, hear me

I frowned and answered back.

From Kim- why are you such an Asshole? We are getting in fights every god damn day because of you! Just fucking stop! You know what, I'm not doing home tonight.

I shut my phone and ignored any other text messages he sent.

I walked for another 10 minutes and ended up in front of a bar. I thought about it for a minute and realized 'fuck it'

I walked in and sat down. "5 of your strongest shots please" I asked. The guy looked at me and smiled. Why is he smiling? "You know, a beautiful girl like you doesn't look her age" he smirked.

I rolled my eyes and looked back at him. "Please, common" I pleaded. He smiled and nodded his head.

'Thanks' I mouthed

He handed me all the shots and I paid him. "So, what brings you here" he asked. "My boyfriend is an asshole, and you know my parents are making us get married. It's a fucking arranged marriage. I mean I love him and all, but he's a fucking bastard"

He laughed at me, as I started taking all my shots after that. "You know, you can always dip at the wedding, run off, and move away" he said.

I just looked down. "4 more shots please" i asked. "No, your under age, and you are already drunk" he stated. "Please, common I just told you my life, I think you should know why I want to get wasted" I said.

"Fine, but that's it" he said. I nodded my head and placed the money on the counter.

"So what's your name?" I asked. "Matthew" he said. My eyes widened at his name and grabbed the shots. I chugged it all down and felt a burning sensation in my throat.

"I'm actually joking, my real names Jason. I'm not supposed to tell the customers, but you seem cool, so why Not" he laughed. I took a deep breath revealing that his names not actually Matthew.

"I'm Kim" I replied. "Well Kim, we are closing up soon, do you gotta ride?" He asked. I just shook my head. I really don't wanna go home tonight. I'll just call Cameron.

"Actually I have a friend" I said. He nodded his head and walked over to another customer. I took out my phone and texted cam.

To cam- cammy bear, c-an you pick me up at this bar pleaseeeeee

My head was just pounding. while texting I can hardly see the words. I can just tell the alcohol hit me hard now.

From Cameron- are you drunk? What bar are you at? I'll be on my way

From Kim- I'm at some thingy, I don't know where. It's the closest to my house I guess

From cam- on my way Kim, stay there

I shut my phone and just placed my head on the counter. "You okay?" Jason laughed. I looked up quickly and laughed. "Sure" I replied.

"So who's coming?" He asked. "You have a lot of questions for a bar tender" I laughed. He just shrugged his shoulders. "Well hottie, my friend cam is coming" I smiled.

"Alright that's good, and if you need anything shout my name", "wait, can I have two shots pl-ease" I asked. "Yea, Kim, no" he said walking off.

I groaned and walked over to a male that was sitting down. He looked way way older then me, but anything for free drinks.

"Hey, what up" I said biting my lip. He smirked at me and checked me out. "Hey cutie, want some drinks" he asked. I giggled and nodded my head.

"Yo dude, 4 shots" he shouted at Jason. Jason looked over and rolled his eyes. "Sorry but she can't drink anymore" "Awe, baby, come on" I frowned.

"Don't baby me Kim, no more" he said seriously. I groaned and jumped on to the bar counter. "Kim, what you doing?" He asked. I smiled and tripped causing me to fall backwards.

I gasped and felt arms around me. "Be careful" he said. I just laughed. "So this is what it looks back here" I smiled. I grabbed a cup and grabbed the vodka. I poured it in as Jason placed his hands on his face.

I laughed, and handed him the cup. "Since you gotta deal with me, take it hottie" I said handing it to him. He smiled and grabbed it out of my hand. "How can anyone ever be an asshole to you" he asked.

"I don't know" I laughed. "Yo Kim, lets go" I heard Cameron. "Cammy" I yelled. I looked over at Jason and grabbed the pen that was behind the bar and started writing my number on his arm.

"Let's hang in the morning Jason, you're pretty cool, text me" I smiled. I kissed his cheek and ran over to Cameron.

"Hey cammy Boo" I smiled. "Who's he?" Cameron asked. "He's the bar tender, he's my friend" I giggled. "Okay, let's go" he Gestured. I smiled and ran out of the bar into cams car.

I placed my head on the window and just closed my eyes.


I'll update tomorrow if I can

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