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1 week later //the weekend\\

Finally my hair went back to brown. I've been waiting forever for it to come back to its natural colour again, thanks to Matt.

I walked into the washroom and changed into a maroon crop top, with shorts. For my hair I just left it natural, since I'm way to lazy to straighten or curl it.

"Hey hurry, up I wanna leave" Nash yelled. I huffed loudly and walked out of the washroom. "Let's go then" I said. He smiled and ran out of my room. Matt was still sleeping on the bed sound asleep.

I smiled and jumped on top of him. "Ugh, I'm so tired" he whined. I giggled and started kissing him repeatedly. He smiled and flipped me over so he was on top of me.

"Damn your beautiful" he mumbled. I smiled at his comment and kissed his cheek. "Well I woke you up to tell you I'm going to Starbucks with Cameron, Nash, and gilinsky. Unless you want to tag along too" I said.

He smiled and got out of bed, "I'm coming" he said. "Great, just come downstairs when you're ready" I smiled.

I walked downstairs and saw the guys waiting on the sofa. "Finally, let's go now" Nash said getting up. "Actually matts coming too, so you gotta wait" I said. He groaned and plopped himself back on to the sofa.

"He's literally goi-", I tried to finish before I was cut off my matt running down the stairs. "1 second" I finished. "Now may we leave" Nash asked eagerly. "Nash your such a white girl, it's only Starbucks" I laughed.

"Starbucks is everything" he said seriously. I laughed and rolled my eyes. "Come let's just go" gilinsky said. "Agreed" I mumbled.

I walked out of the house and climbed into the back seat of jacks car. Matt sat beside me and Nash said beside him. And in the front was Cameron and jack.

"So, guys, I was thinking about planning that trip to Disney land" I said. "That's a really smart idea. How about we go in 40 days from now" Cameron said. "Why 40 days?" I laughed.

"It's his birthday" Nash replied. "Oh my gosh how did I not know that" I said. "It's fine" Cameron laughed. "No it's not, now I gotta get you an insane gift" I said. Cameron just laughed. "Shut up no you don't" he said.

"Trust me I am" I replied. "Okay, Enough talking about that, how about we talk about what Starbucks drinks we are gonna have" Nash said happily.

Everyone just burst into laughter. "Dude you and Starbucks" jack laughed. "Starbucks is really good" Nash mumbled while crossing his arms.

Jack rolled his eyes and parked the car in the Parking lot. Nash immediately opened the door and started running towards Starbucks.

I laughed and followed in after him. I already new what I was going to get. I was going to get the cinnamon churro that was on the secret menu.

As I walked up to the cashier I noticed who it was. I took a deep breath and asked for what I wanted without making eye contact.

"Kimberly?" He asked. I took a deep breath and gave a fake smile to kian. "It's Kim" I corrected. "No, it's Kimberly" he corrected me. "Whatever, just give me my order" I rolled my eyes.

I handed him the money without making eye contact with him. "I haven't seen you since that party. How have you been" he asked. "I've been fine kian now stop asking questions" I said.

"Look, I know you Remember our conversation. And if you do you should know that I still love you" he said. "Kian you broke my heart okay. Plus I'm getting married" I said showing my ring. "You're only 16" he said surprised.

"Does it matter" I rolled my eyes. "Oh, an arranged marriage" he laughed. "That doesn't matter I still love him" I said. He rolled his eyes and laughed. "But I know you still love me" he whispered.

"Whatever makes you happy" I said walked away from him. "Your drink" he shouted. I groaned and walked back over to him and ripped it out of his hands. "Bye" he smiled.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to the table where the guys were. "Whoa you took forever" Cameron said. "Yea I was asking for the secret menu so it took longer" I lied.

"What's that?" Matt asked pointing at my cup. I looked at it and saw kian wrote down his phone number. "I didn't ask for it, that's for sure" I said.

I took and sip out of my drink only noticing kian staring. I groaned and took out my phone and started adding his number.


Kim- stop staring at me you creep

Kian- ah, look you decided to add my number

Kim- shut up, I only put it in my phone to tell you to look somewhere else

Kian- no I'm pretty you added it Because you miss me

Kim- why would I miss you? You're the one who broke my heart

Kian- you know it wasn't my fault. I had to break up with you. My fans hated you. And I didn't  want you to deal with the hate

Kim- you left me for fame not cause you didn't want me to handle it

Kian- no, you're wrong I did it cause I cared about you

Kim- just leave me alone

End of conversation

I closed my phone and placed it in my pocket.  I couldn't talk to Kian any longer. "You okay?" Matt asked. I looked at him and smiled. "I'm good"

He smiled and kissed my lips only making me feel butterflies in my stomach. "Don't do that in front of single people that isn't cool" Nash said.

I laughed and continued to drink my Starbucks.


I was going to continue this story but I gotta wash dishes

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