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I woke up on the sofa still in my party clothes. My head hurt like a fucking bitch of course, but what can I do. That's what happens when you decide to get drunk.

"Hey, how you feeling?" Matt asked handing me water. "Thanks. And I'm doing okay, just a headache" I said. "Well, here's some Advil, make sure you take it. I'm off to school" he said standing up.

"Oh my gosh, school" I whispered. I got up and started running upstairs. Matt just laughed. "Kim, you aren't going to school, you gotta deal with the hangover" Matt yelled from downstairs.

"Ugh, fine" I yelled back. I walked into the washroom and saw I still had makeup on. I completely looked like shit. How can matt bare to Evan look at me like this.

I turn on the water and started washing my face, removing all the makeup. As I finished washing my face. I grabbed my tooth brush and started to brush my teeth.

My breath completely smelled like alcohol. if I was Matt, I wouldn't want to kiss me either.

As I finished Brushing my teeth I started debating if I should take a shower right now.

Ughh I'm too lazy. I'll just do it later. I threw my hair in a ponytail and walked into my room.

I really have to change into better clothes. My outfits staring to feel really uncomfortable.

I walk over to my dresser, and grabbed myself my root joggers, and my tye dye t-shirt. My tye dye t-shirt was one of my favourite shirts to wear around the house. It's just to colourful, and it gets me in a good mood.

"BYE" I heard Matt yell from downstairs. I run out of my room, and start making my way downstairs. Matt was grabbing his backpack from the closet.

"Bye Matty" I whispered into his ear. He smiled and turned towards me. "Behave yourself while I'm gone" he said. I just burst into laughter. "What would I even do to Not behave" I asked while crossing my arms.

He just smirked. "Matt" I gasped. I hit him playfully and laughed. He smiled and placed a kiss on my lips. "See you later" he said while walking off.

I bit my lip and lift my head up. Gosh I never want if to leave.

I walked over to the kitchen and opened up the fridge. Ugh, I don't know what to make. I shut the fridge and sat on the counter going through social media.

A few things caught my eyes. People were asking me to make a YouTube video. I mean why not film it today. I'm not gonna be doing anything else all day.

I ran upstairs to my room and grabbed my makeup bag. I did my usual routine and changed into loose ripped jeans, and a loose white crop top, with a flannel around my waste.

I looked pretty cute for the video. I smiled and grabbed my camera. I ran downstairs to the kitchen and placed the camera on the counter. I already had a great plan on the YouTube video.

I turned on the camera and began.

"Hey guys it's your girl Kim, and no I'm not okay if you're wondering. My
Head hurts to fucking bad, I have the worst hangover ever, but I'm gonna make this video anyways"

"So you're probably wondering, why is the title called 'prank?' Well, that's a very good question" *wink* "I'm gonna make as much pranks as possible for Matt. And hopefully he doesn't hate me for that"

"First prank, I'm gonna make him food, but secretly put hot sauce without him knowing. he's going to go to his favourite chair, which is going to be glued, and when he eats the hot sauce he's gonna try getting up but can't. So he's going to beg me for milk, and I'll give it to him. But what he won't know is that I put a hotter kind of hot sauce in it. But don't worry I have an extra case of milk to give to him"

"Well, let's do this"

I turned off the camera and started making the food. I grabbed a pan and put oil in it. I put cut up onions, mushrooms, red peppers, Broccoli, and chicken breasts inside to cook.

For the last ingredient I drenched it with hot sauce. I giggled and turned the camera back on.

"So I just finished the food, let's just say his mouth is going to be on fire. And Matt, if you're watching this, I'm sorry, I just had to" I laughed.

"So, now let's wait until he gets home babes"

5 hours later

"Hey beautiful" Matt said kissing my lips. "Hey handsome" I giggled. "Whats that smell?" Matt asked rubbing his hands. I giggled and walked over to the kitchen.

"Well I made you food. Go sit down I'll bring it to you" I smiled. He kissed my cheek and walked over to the exact seat I put glue on.

I giggled silently, and grabbed the food. I walked over to him and placed it in front of him. "Here you go" I smiled. "Thanks"

I walked back to kitchen and grabbed the milk and put hot sauce in it. Hopefully Matt doesn't hate me after this.

"FUCK" Matt yelled. I laughed and ran over to him. His face was bright red. He looked like he was going to die cause
Of the hot sauce.

"Sorry" I laughed. "Why am I stuck to the chair, and why did you put so much hot sauce in that? I'm gonna stop asking questions now. Can you just get me water"

I nodded my head and walked back to kitchen. I grabbed the milk and walked back to where Matt was. "Here" I said handing it to him.

He immediately opened it and started drinking it. All I can do it burst into laughter while watching him drop the milk.

"What the FUCK" he yelled. "Please Kim, I need actual fucking milk" he pleaded. I laughed and ran over to kitchen. I grabbed the milk, and ran back to Matt.

"Before I can give it to you, I need you to look at the camera over there and say 'Kim is the best prank master In the world" I giggled. He rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"Kim is the best prank master In the world" he said quickly. I giggled and handed it to him. He instantly started chugging it all down.

                       "Prank wars on kim"


Here's another chapter for you guys

An arranged marriage || M.EWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt