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I looked at my outfit once more. It was pretty cute. What am I saying It's god Damn sexy.

My outfit is a short black tight dress, that's see through on the stomach. It was supposed to be worn like never, but you know why not. First time to everything.

My hair had loose curls, that made my outfit Evan more sexier, and Lastly, for my final project, I put on makeup. I put on foundation, contour, concealer, bronze, blush, high light, I did a sparkly silver eyeshadow, with an I liner, and lastly I added mascara and red Lipstick.

Thankfully I finished getting ready, cause that took me like ages. I grabbed my phone off the washroom counter and saw that the party already started.

I walked out of the washroom and grabbed my shoes. I can't decide if I want my high heels or converse.

If I wear high heels, I will look even sexier in my outfit, but most likely my feet will hurt later. And if I wear converse, I will be comfortable all day.

Fuck it I'll wear converse. I grabbed my black converse and put it on. It actually suit my outfit really well surprisingly.

I grabbed my phone and took one last glance In the mirror and ran downstairs.

Matt was at the door on his phone. How long was he there for? I ignore it and walk towards him. "Let's go" I asked with a smile.

He looked up from his phone and his mouth literally dropped. "You aren't wearing that", I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "Yes I am" I laughed. "Every Guys going to be all over you babe, and I don't want that" he frowned.

I just giggled. I loved this side of Matt. It was just so protective. "Fine, let's just go princess" he smiled.

I smiled and walked out of the house and inside his car. I was pretty excited for the party. I'm just god damn preying the Matt doesn't get drunk and fuck everything up with us.

"Okay, so we should be there in 10 minutes" Matt smiled as he looked at the gps. He started to drive and kept staring at me.

"Matt, stop staring" I laughed. "You just look so sexy" he said truthfully. I giggled and smiled. "I know" I smirked. He just burst into laughter.

"Oh Matt, while we are at the party, please don't get drunk" I asked hoping he wouldn't get mad.

"Why you being such a mom" he spat. Oh here's angry Matt. "I'm not I ju-", "you just don't trust me" he cut me off. "Matt, that's not it. It's just you are kinda my ride home" I mumbled.

He rolled his eyes and laughed. "Yea, yea. You just think I'm gonna do something with Alison" he said annoyed. "Matt, I don't want to fight"

"Shut up, you always cause the fights" he said raising his voice. "No I don't", "yes you do Kim. Now don't fucking talk to me the whole day, I don't wanna see you" he spat.

I felt my heart break into thousands of pieces. How can he just say that to me. I felt a tear go down my face.  I looked out the window and wiped it.

"Stop the car" I said. He just kept driving. "STOP IT" I yelled. He just looked at me and back at the road. "Fine" I mumbled.

I opened the car door and unbuckled my seat belt causing him to stop. "What the fuck Kim" Matt yelled. "You said you don't want to see me, so here you go Matthew, I'll find my own way there"

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