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Matthews POV

I stood on the hill trying to develop what just happened. I couldn't think, or move, I was frozen. All I can hear was the laughter of Alison and Diana.

"Too bad, she's probably dead" Alison laughed. "Looks like it" Diana said looking in the water. I felt a wave of anger hit me hard. All I want to do is beat the living shit out of her right now.

"Your going to regret that" I slipped out of my mouth angrily. "Baby you should worry about Kim, it's been 2 minutes, she's probably dead"

I realized I didn't Move to help her. I was to shocked and angry. She could probably be dead now because of me. This is all my fault. I should've known they were going to follow us. I should've held her tighter, maybe she wouldn't be in that water right now. But she is, and that's all because of me.

I looked down to see the waves getting stronger. Really strong. She needs me, I need to help her.

I threw my shirt on to the grass and jumped into the cold freezing water. It was strong, really strong. She could be lifeless right now. The thought of that makes me want to just cry.

"Kim" I screamed. I looked around me to see if she was swimming towards the latter, but she wasn't.

I took a deep breath and swam under the water looking around for her. The waves kept pulling me down as I looked under the water for her.

As I couldn't hold  my breath any longer I swam back up to see Kim facing the water lifeless. She drowned cause I didn't help her quicker. This is all my fault.

I swam over to her and held her in my arms. She was pale and lifeless. Her lips were blue and purple from the cold water.

I placed my head on hers trying to not cry. She's going to be okay, she's going to be okay. I'm going to save her.

I swam towards the latter, and started walking up it while holding her tight in my arms.

"Is she dead?" I heard Diana gasp as I placed kim on the grass. I looked up at both of them angrily. I've never been so angry like this before. I felt my fist clench, as I looked at them.

"Call 911" I managed to choke. I can't start yelling now. I can't start anything until Kim's okay. I need to save her.

I placed my mouth on hers and started giving her some air.

I did that for about 10 minutes, but still nothing. She hasn't opened her eyes, or breathed yet. I just can't give up. I can't. I love her.

"She's dead, just let her be" I heard Alison mumble. I stoped and looked at her. I was a complete mess. I was all wet, I was crying like crazy. My eyes are  shot red.

"the ambulance should be here in 2 minutes, you should just stop" she rolled her eyes.

Did she really just roll her eyes? She can't be fucking serious right now. "Don't fucking speak" I managed to say. I turn back to Kim and start giving mouth to mouth, and cpr.

"Common baby" I whispered under my breath. I kept pumping on her chest over and over again without stoping. I go back and give her mouth to mouth again. Still nothing.

I can hear the ambulance sirens behind me while I went back to giving her CPR. "How long has he been like this?" I heard the man ask Alison. "A long time" she choked out.

"Son, she's gone" he mumbled. I looked at him with my red eyes. "She's not, now do your job and save her" I yelled. "If you've been doing this for awhile and there's still no signs of life, she's gone" he said.

I can fill hot tears streaming down my cheek. "Stop" I shook my head.

"time of death 12:00" the man said.

Those words just replayed in my head over and over again. I couldn't think straight. That was the only thing I can think of.

"The police will be here soon to ask questions" he said before walking off. What kind of bullshit is this? He should've helped her.

I looked over at her dead body and pulled her into my arms as I cried. My head was on hers as I cried. I'm never going to be okay. Never again.

She's the one that makes me smile, the one that makes me happy in the morning. She's the light of my day. She cant be gone. Not now, it's too soon.

I looked up at her and cried harder. "Son, we have to take her" A woman said. I looked up at the woman and back at Kim.

"Baby, I love you so much. You're my light of my day. You make me happy. You make me smile, you make me fall in love every single day. Don't leave me" I chocked out.

"Sir" the lady said. I bit my lip and kissed Kim passionately. This kiss is the last kiss I'll ever have with her. "I love you" I whispered.

As I was about to stand up she started chocking out water.

Kim's POV

I woke up chocking out water. My vision was a bit blurry right now. I couldn't quite get what happened. All I remember was being pushed
By Alison. 

That bitch tried to kill me!

"Kim, thank god" Matt said while pulling me into his arms. His eyes
Were blood shot red. I could tell he was crying a lot.

"I wouldn't leave you. I love you too much" I whispered into his chest. "They said you were dead, I mean you were, but now your not, it was like true loves kiss brought you back, but it wasn't, it was just, ugh I don't know, I'm gonna stop talking"

I giggled at him, and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"I love you Matt" I said looking into his red eyes. He smiled and slammed his lips on to mine

                     "I love you too"


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