Chapter 7

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I was running next to Rin, in the direction of the giant in front of us. I almost froze at the spot because of the fear when he moved and started running in our direction. I just couldn't help it, I was afraid. Maybe we had a plan, but I still had no idea if it was going to work against a huge monster like that. There were only four of us against a monster that made the ground shake like there was an earthquake going on each step it took.  

Suddenly I noticed how Shiki that was running a few meters away from me with his white cape floating in the air behind him and holding his big wand disappeared. My eyes instantly widened with surprise and I almost tripped and fell on the ground, but Rin quickly grabbed my arm, helping me catch balance again.  

I already wanted to thank him, when I noticed that he was staring at me with a furious look on his face. '' Focus, Natsumi. This is a serious fight! Don't get distracted by things like that! ''  

I frowned and continued running. '' Like you wouldn't flinch seeing someone just vanish in to thin air... '' I rolled my eyes and muttered to myself: '' Idiot. ''  

Rin quickly got serious again. '' That's the special power Shiki has as a magician. He is able to turn other people, object or himself invisible. But only one at the same time for now because of his low level. Watch out! ''  

I looked up and my eyes slowly widened with shock again. What I saw was a giant axe, burning in blue flames that was flying down in my direction. I was already completely sure that I was going to die, I was to paralysed to move, when Rin suddenly appeared next to me. Before I could do anything he already kicked me away, pulled out his black and white swords and placed them in the shape of an X in front of him.  

I just staggered for a few steps, then I quickly caught balance again and turned around, looking back at him with wide eyes. I gasped with shock at the explosion of blue fire that came next. Now I was completely terrified, because the whole thing didn't look to well and Rin was trapped right in the middle of it. Maybe he was an asshole that had a problem with showing his emotions, but I still didn't want him to die. At least not because of me.  

Then he suddenly jumped out of the blue fire, covered with cuts and burns. He was still holding his twin swords and there was smoke coming out of them. He looked like he was hurt and I could see that his HP already dropped a little, but at least he was alive.  

The next second I saw how Shiki appeared behind the giant and swung his wand through the air in front of him. There was a serious look on his face and he murmured something to himself. I watched with amazement thousands of small light blue lights that appeared out of nowhere and formed in to a tornado that hit the giant, making it stagger for a few steps and allow Mero to jump on his back.  

It seemed like everyone was doing everything that they could to fight, to survive and I was the only one that was just standing there, in the way. Maybe I was a little scared of a monster like that, but I knew that I had to go over that if I wanted to survive. I had to beat my fears and fight back. Because that was the only way to survive in the world of the Kingdom of battles. And I sure wasn't planning on dying just yet.  

I narrowed my eyes with determination and ran to the giant. When I was just a few meters away from it I placed my hand on my red sword and pulled it out. Somehow just holding the extremely heavy weapon calmed me down and made me more sure about myself. Right now I wasn't even sure anymore why was I so afraid back there. I was a proud 'swordsman' and now it was my turn to show what I was able to do. 

I ran past Rin that just wanted to attack the giant, jumped in the air, spun and then swung my sword through the air, channeling my Live points to create an attack. The blade of my sword shined in a red colour, making it stronger. The next second it already connected with the burning axe of the giant.  

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