Chapter 14

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The moon was shining in the middle of the dark sky, surrounded by thousands of stars that were reflecting on the surface of the ocean. Everything was peaceful and the wind was blowing while the town of Akahibara and the rest of level 30 was starting to disappear on the horizon. There was only a dark shadow, moving on the ocean. If you came closer you were able to see that it was a boat and that there were two people on it. And one of those people, the person next to the idiot that was paddling was unfortunately me.

'' This is creepy... '' I muttered and shivered, carefully watching the dark water around the small boat Arashi and I were in.

Arashi stared at me with annoyance. '' Then why don't you grab the paddles?! Maybe then it would be less creepy. ''

I rolled my eyes at that. '' Shut up and don't pretend like you care. I know that you're just trying to get out of doing all the work. But you're the guy with muscles here so I guess that you'll just have to shut up and use them if I tell you to. ''

'' If I tell you to?! '' he repeated my sentence and stared at me with anger. '' What?! You're the boss here now?! ''

I arrogantly grinned at that and raised my head. '' Well of course I am. There's a reason why commander Masashi gave you a babysitter and not me. ''

Arashi looked ready to strangle me when I suddenly froze and looked around. '' Wait. Stop. Something's happening. ''

Arashi frowned and then looked around just like I did. He slightly narrowed his eye when he noticed the fog that started rising from the sea around us. It was like at first everything was completely normal, then the next second the air started to get colder and it became so foggy that I could barely even see anything. You could take that as a good or a bad sign, depending on the situation. In mine and Arashi's case it was supposed to be a good sign. The research team of the Knights of the kingdom inspected level 30 already and they said that the boss was supposed to be hiding somewhere under water right where we were. And that the fog was the sign that he was close.

Then I looked at Arashi and carefully asked: '' What's the boss of this level again? ''

He shook his head. '' We don't know that yet, but I bet we're going to find out soon, shrimp. ''

My eye twitched in annoyance. '' Don't call me 'shrimp'. ''

'' Are we going to have that conversation now? '' he snapped.

That was when I noticed something behind us and slowly narrowed my eyes. '' Guess not, '' I whispered and then pointed in the direction of a boat, similar to the one Arashi and I were on that was moving down the water about a hundred meters away. '' And I guess that we aren't the only ones that want the money reward that you get for defeating the final boss of a level. ''

'' What? '' Arashi asked, of course not minding that he should be quiet.

I quickly put my hand over his mouth and stared at him with anger. '' Would you shut up, you idiot?! '' I whisper-yelled. '' You want those people to notice us? We don't know who they are and how dangerous are they, so it would be better for us if we don't catch their attention yet. So be quiet, okay? ''

Arashi sighed and nodded. I slowly moved my hand from his mouth away and he instantly turned in the direction of the boat. '' Bastards, '' he hissed. I could easily see that he was starting to get angry. '' They think that they'll steal our money reward! '' It wasn't that he was obsessed with money like me, it was more that he hated losing. That was why he would never bare losing a money reward against someone else. '' We should attack them! '' he murmured and placed his hand on the axe on his back, but I just rolled my eyes and slapped it away. He looked at me and frowned. '' Why not? Don't tell me that you don't care about our money! Shrimp, I know you're obsessed with money! ''

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