Chapter 60

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I stayed on the ground for a few moments, catching my breath and rubbing my face that hurt because of how I flew right in that door behind me. Then I suddenly heard screaming, making me realise that I ended up right in the hall with the throne and the king that was still sitting on it. I quickly jumped on my feet and took a step back, eyeing carefully the five guards that leaped in my direction. Then suddenly other figures appeared, flying through the door that I broke down with the help of my face bumping in it. Mizuki and Ryouko each landed on one side of me, while the others lined up behind. The sudden change of the number of opponents that they had to stop seemed to worry the five guards and I quickly stepped forward, staring directly at the king of the Locals. 

He was a tall and muscular, but already really old guy. He had wavy gray hair and bright blue eyes that were currently glaring at me. He was wearing a lot of fancy robes and there was a pretty crown, covered with jewels placed on his head, distracting me for a moment because it looked like it would be worth a lot of priyos. But I wasn't here to deal with my money problems, we had another, much bigger issue right now. 

'' I mean no harm, '' I began, trying to smile as charmingly as I could.  

'' You invaded my castle! '' the king, Raizen Shimzue replied with a serious expression on his face. '' You and the other rebels just keep causing problems around here. '' 

Rebels? Well, I didn't mean no harm, at least not yet. 

I took a deep breath, trying to stay calm. '' Look, '' I coughed and cringed, '' your majesty... I know that you think of The demon alliance guild as criminals and enemies. It's because the leader of the Knights of the Kingdom managed to convince you, I understand that, you'd much more easily trust someone that is not considered to be a criminal, but you have to trust us on this one. What's happening outside and in two other nations isn't our fault, that's the reason why we're fighting against it! There's many people outside from our guild that stepped on our side and decided to help us, that's because even if they don't trust us very much, they still see how we have a common goal. Right now both of us have a common goal too, defeating those monsters comes before everything else. They are killing people, your and our people and if we won't stop them then there'll be many deaths, your majesty! We are strong, but there's not enough of us, we need the help of your soldiers! Why can't you stop fighting against us and start fighting with us?! When the whole thing is over you can go back to fighting against us if you wish! ''  

The king stayed quiet and kept staring at me with a serious look on his face. He didn't seem impressed by what I said, I wasn't even sure if he was listening to me, considering how impassive his face stayed. 

Then Mizuki suddenly stepped closer to me and held my hand tightly, making me look at her. I instantly saw the horror in her eyes as she stared at the one of the tall windows on the side of the hall we were in. I looked in that direction too and held back a surprised scream at the sight.  

The crystal clear glass was beginning to get stained because of the rain that was starting to fall. Except that it wasn't just any normal rain, it was a rain of blood. It seemed like the wolf with the ability to use water got released too, even if it decided to use it's power in a very interesting way. 

'' The rain of blood, this is the signal, the water demon is about to attack! '' one of the guard's of the king blurted out with fear. 

I turned at the king again, noticing how he was staring at the blood stained window with a strange expression on his face. I took a step closer in the direction of his throne, instantly making his cold blue eyes snap back at me. The five guards that were surrounding him on each side took that as a sign to raise their spears, getting ready to attack me. But I wasn't planning on using force, I learned to be a nicer person, so instead I just swallowed my pride, fell down on my knees and begged: '' See? Soon all the four wolves will appear and they'll kill everyone if you don't stop fighting us and fight by our side instead! Please, I'm begging you, I don't want more people to die, it's already terrible as it is! Think of all that people already lost, friends, family, homes, some lost everything! Even more of them are going to end up like that if you don't decide to help us! Please! ''  

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