Chapter 61

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After I told everyone about the king's order things began happening very quickly. I still stood on the roof I was on for a few moments, watching the town square under me, happy to spot Sione, arguing with a Local. When I saw them I quickly jumped on the ground, stumbled for a few steps and rushed in their direction, moving between the soldiers that still seemed confused, not knowing what to do. 

'' You might want to give some orders soon, because the soldiers there seem to have some troubles with keeping back the wind wolf, '' I spoke up and crossed my arms, seriously gesturing in the direction of the huge wolf and a group of people that got blown away by one of it's air attacks. 

Sione instantly looked at me and grabbed my shoulders, nodding like crazy. '' I don't know how you did it, but thanks so much for convincing their king to order his soldiers to help us. Even if the commander of the troop that has been wasting our time here is still acting like an idiot, '' she seriously said and then glared at the man that was standing next to us. 

He was freakishly tall and muscular compared to Sione and I, looking like one of those huge guys that fought in boxing rings and had short black hair and shiny orange eyes. He was wearing which seemed to be the standard uniform of their army, black baggy pants, stuffed in boots made of black leather, a faded grey t-shirt, a chain shirt, a dark blue jacket with rolled up sleeves above it and weapon of choice. He also added grey leather gloves to his clothes, while his weapon of choice were two machetes that were hanging on his waist next to a brown bag. 

He was currently staring at both Sione and I with a scowl on his face. '' I am acting like an idiot? You are the woman, you shouldn't even be on the battlefield and yet someone put you in charge of a legion of twenty people? ''  

I felt how my eye began twitching with annoyance. Now I could see why was Sione arguing with him, he was one of those idiots that thought women were supposed to stay in the kitchen while men were outside doing what were supposed to be manly jobs.  

'' Listen here, she put herself in charge of the legion and she can do that, because her group of fighters is actually made of more than a hundred people. They are also considered to be one of the strongest ones from The demon alliance, all because of their ruthless leader Sione. I'm also a woman and I am the one that convinced the king to order his men to help us and I'm here to tell you how to defeat the elemental wolves, '' I hissed and dramatically snapped with my fingers, grimacing. '' Both of us did all that and we didn't need the magic power that a dick is supposed to give you apparently, to help us. ''  

The man stared at me with wide eyes, causing me to suddenly freeze with shock. My face then began turning in to different shades of red because of the shame. 

'' Wait, did I say the last part out loud, '' I mumbled and looked at Sione that had her pretty smile on her face again, looking amused. 

'' Yes, yes you did, '' she replied and patted my shoulder. '' Now tell me, how do you defeat these wolves? Nothing seems to work with them and a lot of people are getting hurt. ''  

'' They have this special seal, some kind of ring of magic that is placed somewhere on their body. The fire wolf has it in one of his eyes, but I don't know for the others. Anyway, can I go now, or do you need any help? I am currently working on getting as many citizens as it's possible away from the island, '' I said, looking at the chaos that was happening around me.  

She nodded, smiling. '' Don't worry. And good luck. ''  

I just nodded back and began running between different soldiers, while Sione stepped on a rock and began yelling at them. I didn't pay attention to her words, I was trying my best to be as fast as I could so I would be able to find a lot of ships. My mind was also trying to ignore the burned, collapsed, completely destroyed houses, puddles of blood and human figures that laid on the ground, but I was horrified, by what I saw and struggled to keep myself under control. It was because all this pain, suffering and death was actually the fault of only one person. Renshou, the one that made this beasts appear in the first place. If it wouldn't be for him we wouldn't have any trouble defeating Arashi and Masashi, but he was way smarter than they were, making him a bigger problem that eventually turned in to this. 

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