Chapter 57

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'' Sixty-seven hours, sixty-seven hours, sixty-seven hours, '' I kept repeating while my eyes were slowly scanning my surroundings. 

'' Would you stop that? '' Yori whined and hit my shoulder with her fist. I glared at her, while she pouted, lowering her head. '' We still have plenty of time, besides, you're putting everyone down with that kind of attitude, you should be more positive about our mission. ''  

I wouldn't say that I was being negative, just realistic.  

We were currently in Hirasawa, the main town of level 10. Before, just a few minutes after we came here, we were already chased by a bunch of guards that wanted to check if we weren't criminals by any chance, which was the reason why we were on a flat rooftop right now, hidden with the help of Yori's invisibility skills and trying to talk as quiet as we could considering that there were guards on nearby rooftops. The truth was that there were soldiers everywhere, walking down the streets, standing on different places and watching their surroundings, making sure that there was no one suspicious hiding anywhere. There were barely any players on the streets, it seemed like they knew that there was something going on and preferred to hide inside houses and inns. 

'' Would you two stop it?! '' Yoko whisper yelled and pulled our ears, causing us to groan in pain. I spent only an hour with her and I could already see that she was the motherly-type of person, probably because she was forced to become one after getting trapped in this world. She was the oldest of the three sisters and that was why she thought it was her responsibility to make sure that they were always alright and safe. 

'' But just look at that, '' I muttered, gesturing with my chin at the empty street under us. There was a group of guards that just walked down it. '' It's obvious that the program is in the headquarters of the Knights of the Kingdom considering that there's so many guards everywhere, but how are we supposed to reach it? ''  

'' I hate to agree on this one, but I am also going to start running out of Live points soon. The invisibility that I put on us won't last forever and then I'm going to need some time to get my strength back, '' Yori muttered, pulling on her Chinese buns and frowning. '' Sad face. ''  

Oh God, this was almost like looking at a girl version of Nai. 

Speaking of Nai, I wouldn't want to be at the headquarters right now, because I was pretty sure he was throwing a temper tantrum because we didn't take him with us. 

Yasu suddenly pulled the edge of my skirt, causing me to look at her always apathetic face. Then she raised her hand and pointed at Mero that was standing next to her and looking at the headquarters of the Knights of the Kingdom in the middle of the city with a serious expression on her face, while being surrounded by a dark aura. 

'' Oh, don't mind her, she and this the people of this town... They just have a past, you know? '' I replied and stepped to Mero, patting her shoulder. '' It'll be alright, '' I said, hoping to calm her down. '' There's so many guards everywhere, we probably won't even run in to any of them. ''  

I didn't need to say it out loud, she knew that I was talking about the Hellforce. 

I watched how she shook her head and looked at me with a serious expression on her face. '' Rin probably already knows that we're hiding here somewhere... It's not that, it's just that I am afraid to run in to him because... '' she whispered, then she lowered her head and blushed. 

My mouth fell open and I stared at her with horror. 

The always serious Mero actually... blushed? 

Okay, the end of the world might be near. 

I saluted at the sky and turned at the others, bluntly muttering: '' Okay, it was fun while it lasted, now everyone can go home. ''  

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