Chapter 58

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I was peacefully sleeping, lost in my dreamland, until I suddenly felt like someone buried a bunch of knives in my flesh. At the end it was just someone grabbing my arms and dragging me somewhere, but it still hurt like hell and caused me to wake up. The first thing I realised was that the sun was already high up on the sky, causing me to squint my eyes a little bit and then instantly calculate all the hours that passed. It looked like it was around noon so it meant at least thirteen so we went from sixty-six hours to somewhere around fifty-three. I tried not to panic, considering that this was still more than two whole days. Then I noticed my surroundings and my plan not to panic instantly failed. 

Mero, the three sisters, Waru and I were all lined up in front of the headquarters of the Knights of the Kingdom. There were chains on our arms, stopping us from moving and we were surrounded by many soldiers that were forming a circle around us, making sure that we wouldn't escape. My eyes were quickly scanning our surroundings, trying to find an escape route, then they suddenly stopped on a familiar figure that was walking closer, carefully holding their long silver sword in their hands. 

It was Masashi that stopped in front of us and smirked at me, while I glared back at him, trying really hard to stop myself from doing something that wouldn't really help us, like spitting on him or something like this. 

'' I ordered my men to brought this group of traitors here, because they have been judged and it has been decided to execute them, '' he seriously spoke and at first I didn't understand exactly who he was addressing, then I turned a little, in the direction of the gates that were in the middle of the wall that was surrounding the headquarters of the Knights of the Kingdom. My eyes slightly widened at the sight of the people that were gathered there, then one of the guards hit me, causing me to fall forward down on my face. 

'' That hurt, '' I hissed and then slowly picked myself up again, looking at Masashi. '' See, I already died once, so this whole execution thing doesn't work for me, '' I muttered and mockingly smirk, causing him to order a guard to hit me again. 

I kept insulting him on purpose, while the guard hit me every time I said something. The three sisters seemed confused by my actions, Waru was starting to become angry, while Mero was there emotionless as always, looking around with her dark eyes and trying to spot something that could save us. That was what I was doing actually, buying us some time before we would figure out how to save ourselves from this. At first it seemed like there wasn't much hope, considering that nothing happened, then I heard yelling coming from the crowd of people that lived in level 10. 

'' They're no traitors! That girl saved me from one of you actually! '' was the first scream that came from the woman that I helped last night. Then she was quickly joined by others. Some guards had to leave their places to step to the gates and try to calm the people down, but there was unfortunately still too many surrounding us. I still felt touched that the players and Locals from this town stepped on our side in this, even if we were considered to be traitors and criminals.  

'' Okay, I am done with this, '' Masashi seriously said as I lowered my bruised and beaten up face, looking at the blood that was dripping from it on the ground. It was ringing in my head from all the punches and my eye was beginning to become swollen, but I still smirked at Masashi again, showing him my bloodied teeth. '' She's obviously trying to buy some time... '' Then he looked at me and smirked back. '' But nothing is going to save you from this. ''  

I was actually kind of worried that he was right, then everyone heard screaming that was coming more and more closer any second. I didn't even need to turn around to know that it was coming from the two most stupid and also nicest people from The demon alliance. Riku was running down the wall that was surrounding the headquarters of the Knights of the Kingdom, with his arms stretched out and trying to keep balance, while Nai was flying next to him, striking funny poses in the air. 

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