Chapter 11

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I was staring at the message, floating in the air in front of me with wide eyes, while memories were beginning to appear in my head. I remembered Yukari very well, she was the first friend I made in the Kingdom of battles. I met her on my first day here when she bumped in to me on the street. And even if I never saw her again after that I clearly remembered what kind of a person she was, kind and sweet. She didn't deserve to die, not here and in this video game. She was supposed to go back in to the real world and live a happy life there.

I slowly raised my hand and clicked the X on the corner of the message, making it disappear. Then I lowered my head and slowly stood up. Just when I was about to walk to the door Arashi suddenly moved and grabbed my wrist, making me stop. '' Oi, shrimp, where are you going?! '' he asked with annoyance.

I frowned and slowly looked at him, with a dark aura surrounding me. '' Don't call me 'shrimp'... '' I muttered with a scary voice.

He narrowed his emerald green eyes at me. '' Forget that, '' he hissed. It was obvious that he was getting angry. '' You aren't really planning to go, right? You're not strong enough to face the Reaper of souls. ''

Reaper of souls? Apparently that was the name of the thing that I was going to have to fight to revive Yukari... It worked for me, now at least I knew it's name and what to expect. I just hope that it didn't have a scythe like Mero. I saw her in action and I knew that it was hard to fight against those things...

'' Natsu, are you even listening to me?! '' Arashi snapped and held my wrist even tighter, making me look at him again. '' Don't you even think about going! Everyone else that tried to go there died and if you go it won't be any different with you! ''

That was when I narrowed my eyes and pulled my hand out of his grasp. Now I was also mad. I knew Arashi only for a little bit more than a day, who was he to tell me what to do?! '' Then I'm going to die! '' I yelled and pointed at him. '' But at least I won't die as a coward! Are you expecting me to just give up and stay here! I'll bring my friend back or at least die trying! ''

Some people would back away after hearing that, but it seemed like Arashi wasn't one of them. Instead he stood up and hit my forehead with his. I screamed with pain and took a few steps back. Then I rubbed my forehead and stared at him with fury. '' What the hell did you do that for, you idiot?! ''

'' I was hoping that after a good hit in the head you'll make some sense, but I guess I was wrong, '' Arashi answered and laughed.

My eye twitched at the sight of the arrogant smirk on his face, then I began cracking my knuckles in a scary way. '' A good hit, eh? I'll show you what's a good hit, '' I muttered with a scary voice. '' After I'm done with you not even three healing potions would be able to help you... ''

I was just about to punch him when I suddenly sensed a dark aura behind me. When I turned around I realised that it was the owner of the tavern Arashi and I were win. He didn't look to happy because we were causing troubles and at the end it almost ended up the same as the last time, with Ayame, but I left before I could get kicked out.

I quickly rushed down the street, in the direction of one of the town squares from where I could teleport to Takesawa, the town in level 14. I knew that bringing back Yukari will probably be a dangerous mission, but it wasn't like I was just planning to give up. We were friends and Riku always told me that friends stood by the side of each other no matter what. Friends smiled, cried and fought together, that was how it was supposed to be. And it wasn't just that.

Yukari's friend Miyako called for my help. Not someone else's but mine. And that was why I didn't want to disappoint her. I didn't even know why it mattered so much to me, considering that I was doing just what I said I wasn't going to do from the start, get attached to too many people, but it just did.

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