Chapter 51

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I watched my boots, sinking in the purely white snow. The cold wind was causing my hair to rise in the air behind me and I shivered when it blew so hard again, almost like it was trying to cut my skin. From experience I knew that it could actually do that when the weather here, in level 21 was bad. But today we were in luck, the wind was blowing, but the sky was blue, completely clear from all the clouds that could bring another snow storm. The whiteness that was covering the forest we were moving through was shining a little in the pale sunlight. 

'' Natsu! You're falling behind again! '' Riku called me, causing my head to snap up and quickly hurry after the line of people that already completely disappeared in the fog that two players that used water and air skills caused to appear. I asked them if they could do it, so we would be hidden better, otherwise it would be too easy to spot Aya's group from the air. Even if it was starting to get dark too. 

The reason Riku was with us was because earlier I found out that he was currently fighting in Aya's team, even if he wasn't neither a soulger or a magician like the rest. He told me that Ryoutan didn't want to accept him in his team of soulgers and guardians because he was even worse than the 'strange little girl' that was unfortunately me, while Shadow order, another team with swordsmen and beast tamers was already too big. There were also three bigger teams, where one was leaded by Sione, but he said that he preferred a smaller one and that was how he ended up with Aya. 

For the next half an hour I kept walking with fifty three other players that were Aya's team until we were around five hundred meters away from the castle. That was when we divided in to groups, just like my plan said. There were four groups with five people in each that disappeared in different direction, ready to start with what they had to do. All of the members in the groups carried a bottle full of powder that exploded when it got in touch with air. The fifth smaller group, made of Riku, Aya, a man and a woman that I didn't know also went away from the others, leaving the remaining twenty eight people waiting to do their part of their plan when their turn will come. 

Aya, Riku, the tall man with brown hair and the young woman with wavy purple ones walked through the forest silently at first, until I told them to stop. '' I think that this should be the right place, '' I muttered, throwing a look at the dark walls of the castle ahead of us. '' Not really completely north from it, but a little to the left... '' I murmured and then nodded again before looking at the others. '' Okay, Riku, you are here to cast your guardian spells, I am to make sure that the plan goes alright and also the main fighting force, considering that I have the sword, but which one of you are earth, water and air users? '' 

Aya smiled at me and waved. '' I am the air user. ''  

The tall man with brown hair turned at me and narrowed his eyes, carefully observing me. He seemed to have second thoughts about me and if I was actually strong and a good strategist, but he didn't say anything. '' I specialise in water skills. ''  

When the young woman with long wavy light purple hair turned at me I noticed something that I didn't before. Her left eye was dark blue, while her right one was covered by an eyepatch. She stared at me with an emotionless look on her face. '' I am the earth magician, '' she seriously murmured and turned away again, stretching her arms. '' I know what you instantly thought when you saw my face, you know. It's always the same thing. How can she fight if she sees with only one eye? That is true, I wouldn't be a very good fighter in our world, but here... That's a whole new story. ''

I frowned with confusion, while Aya giggled. '' Shizue is another player that obtained a special skill that no one else has. ''  

'' Correct, '' Shizue calmly said and clenched the fingers of her right hand in to a fist. '' That is why everyone that underestimates me because of my half blindness... Is an idiot. '' Suddenly she took a step back, leaped forward and punched the ground. 

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