Chapter 30

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'' You really think that you can defeat me? '' Waru spoke up, after a moment of silence. I stood there, holding my sword, carefully looking at him and waiting if he was going to attack. '' You think that you have the strength to kill me? You're shaking with fear already. '' 

A slight smile appeared on my face. '' I admit it, I am afraid. But I don't want to kill you, that's where you got it wrong. I want to convince you to help us when we'll need you. '' 

'' People don't deserve to be trusted... '' Waru seriously replied, still showing his back to me. It seemed like my words somehow angered him because he slowly raised his hand in my direction, opened his fist and revealed his palm. '' People don't deserve to be helped... That's why you should all just die! '' 

The next moment spikes shot out of his palm. My eyes widened with surprise, then I quickly jumped in the air, dodging the first few of them and turned around, preparing to destroy them with my sword, when two waves of wind passed me, easily cutting through them. I blinked with surprised, then I realised that this was Karoku's doing and quickly focused again. I landed on the ground again and ran in Waru's direction.  

Three other spikes shot from his palm and I quickly stopped and prepared, channeling my Live points in to my sword. Then I cut with it through the air, gasping with shock, surprised because of how strong they actually were, like the waves of fire that were surrounding Toushirou when she used the Kingdom of battles law spell. I quickly jumped in the air, landed on the spikes that he shot in my direction earlier and began running on them, trying to get closer again. I cut other three of them when Waru tried to hit me again a moment later and thankfully Karoku got rid of the ones that came from behind me with another one of his attacks. My eyes were travelling to the ground the whole time, wondering if Sione was going to fight soon.  

I quickly cut through another spike that shot out of Waru's skin and then disappeared in it again. Then I slowly narrowed my eyes again, waiting for the next attack, catching my breath while I still could.  

'' I must say that I am surprised, '' Waru spoke up. He didn't even move this whole time, he didn't need to. He was easily keeping me from coming too close to him without standing up and actually fighting. '' You don't even have a scratch on you... Too bad, it would make this end sooner. But you still are getting tired, which means that soon you won't be so careful and quick anymore. I'm getting tired of you anyway. ''  

I frowned, thinking about his words. Why would a scratch caused by one of his spikes make this end sooner? Maybe he had some kind of special attack that allowed to kill his opponents really easy after they got scratched, it was possible. That was why I had to watch out for that more from now on, just to be sure that it wasn't really like that.  

The corners of my mouth lifted in to a smirk. '' You just gave me a valuable piece of information, thank you. '' 

'' Really? It still won't help you survive this, '' he calmly replied and snickered. 

I shivered with fear at that, but the smirk still didn't disappear from my face. I raised my sword up again and said: '' I don't need to survive. I just need to make you agree to help my friends. That would be enough to make me happy. ''  

'' Sacrificing yourself would make you happy? '' he asked after a moment. He sounded a little confused, but also intrigued. '' That doesn't make any sense. Sacrificing yourself for others, that would be worthless. Fighting for others is stupid, people will never do anything else but disappoint you, but you're too blind to see that. I know it, I'm their slave too. Nothing but a monster created by them... And knowing that makes me angry! ''  

My eyes slowly widened with surprise. Could it be possible...? Could it be possible that Waru was doing bad things just because of his anger, knowing that he was just a program and nothing more? Maybe that was the thing that made him go insane? 

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