Chapter 37

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'' Look at the situation you've got us in to, stupid, '' Tsukimo said, smirking, still squatted on the window sill she was on before. My eye twitched with annoyance, she didn't need to say my name, I already knew that she was calling me just by the tone of her voice. '' Do you really want to kill us all? ''  

'' No one is going to die, '' I hissed, seriously scanning my surroundings. '' We're all going to go back home, to our guild. And besides... '' I turned at her and pointed at her with anger. '' Why is it my fault? I wasn't the one that jumped through the window, ruining everything! And besides, what was with that cool entrance a moment ago if you're really so scared about what's going to happen?! ''  

Nai began crying and sulking behind Waru, saying how I was mean for blaming everything on him, while Tsukimo started telling me something about how I was the strategist and responsible to make plans work. Then suddenly everything became completely quiet, when we all heard Renshou's yelling: '' Everyone, be quiet! ''  

I instantly looked at him. When I noticed how angry he seemed I quickly took a step back and placed myself in a fighting position, just in case he was going to attack us. But to my surprise he took a deep breath, calmed down again and stared at me with his piercing yellow eyes. '' You lied to me right in the face. I should kill you and your friends just for that, but for some kind of reason I find you really amusing and I'm also feeling generous today, that is why I'll let you get out of here unharmed on one condition. ''  

I frowned, feeling slightly confused. I had no idea why did he find me so amusing, maybe it was because he had no sense of humour, just like me. He surely wasn't as smart as I thought he was either, deciding that he was going to let me and my friends live. '' W-What... What condition? '' I carefully asked, already knowing that at least that was something big if he was prepared to spare our lives.  

He snickered and stared at me with wide crazed eyes. '' What I said before, I meant it. I'm going to let you leave unharmed if you leave him here. The war weapon, '' he said and laughed. 

Waru's eyes widened, then they slowly started becoming empty, turning in to two bottomless black pits again. Tsukimo frowned at that, while Nai stopped crying and both of them looked at me, waiting for what I was going to say. That annoyed me ever more because it wasn't like I owned Waru. I decided to save him, become his first friend, but that didn't mean that he was a weapon that I owned now.  

I slowly clenched my shaky fingers in to fists. The ground behind me shook and began cracking. '' Y-You... '' I quietly spoke up, then I raised my hand and stared at him with a furious look on my face. '' Didn't you understand earlier?! I don't want to leave him, but he can stay if he wants. That is because I don't own him, he's his own person, I thought I made that clear already. I'm just his friend that wants him to be happy... '' I turned to Waru that was standing next to me, with an empty look on his face and a dark aura surrounding him. '' You want to be accepted by people, no matter what you are, don't you? '' I asked, feeling how the anger started to leave my mind when I stared at him. Now I felt only sadness, I was sad because of the way he was now, so unhappy, he didn't deserve all this. '' If you think that you'll find that here than you can stay. But if you don't, then come home with us. I promise everything'll be okay. You won't be alone. ''  

That was when some emotion suddenly lit up in his black eyes, that travelled in my direction and met with mine. '' You're ready to fight and get injured for me? Wouldn't it be easier to just leave me here? '' he emotionlessly asked. 

I grinned at him. '' I don't leave my friends behind, Waru. ''  

His eyes slowly widened with shock, then he lowered his head and held my hand. '' No matter what happens in the future, I go where you go, always. '' 

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