Chapter 35

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The cold wind was becoming stronger the more we were moving away from Shirotsume, the normal village on one side of level 24. When I felt how the wind actually began to cut in my skin I knew that we almost reached the mountain pass that was between the two levels. Waru and I teleported ourselves to Shirtosume a few hours earlier while Tsukimo and Nai went to find the Wicked tribe to complete our actual mission. One of them was supposed to send me a message after they'll be done so I could tell them where to find us. 

Waru and I were sitting in the back of a wagon that belonged to a guy that offered to take us to the mountain pass that was dividing the two levels since we didn't know the right way. He wanted some money in return too and I almost didn't take his offer because of that, but then he told me that I should feel lucky that he wanted so little. I was in level 24 only once and I left it the moment the level boss got defeated and from what I remembered it wasn't always like this. Apparently the Blackthorne port originally didn't even exist. It was created by entirely red players and dark guilds. First Masashi sent some of his men trying to stop all of this, but after failing a few times he gave up. The Blackthorne port was becoming dangerous and the forest surrounding it was also protected by magic spells and traps, keeping the people that shouldn't go there away. Like Waru and I. 

'' Hey, you two! '' the guy that offered us a ride suddenly yelled from his horse. 

I raised my head, with my hand in front of me, trying to protect myself from the strong wind. Why was the wind even so strong? I frowned with annoyance and looked at Waru. He was silent the whole ride and it looked like there was something bothering him. His serious black eyes kept scanning the surroundings. The guy that gave us a ride was staring to shoot strange looks, so I quickly said something, making him lose his interest for Waru: '' Thanks for the ride! ''  

I jumped from the wagon, pulling Waru behind me, because he didn't even move and kept looking around with a frown on his face. I staggered for a few steps when the wind hit me again and looked around. We were standing on top of some kind of cliff that was in the middle of the cape, with each town on one side of it. 

'' Why are you even going to Blackthorne? '' the guy asked, looking confused. '' You aren't red players and you don't look dangerous either. Well, at least you don't look dangerous, '' he said and gestured at me. 

My eye twitched with annoyance at that. I didn't look dangerous? Was that supposed to be an insult? '' Well, I don't care about what you think. Thanks for the ride, we gave you the money now you can leave, '' I hissed. 

He shrugged and grinned. '' Whatever. You'll probably just get killed in Blackthorne with that attitude anyway, '' he replied and started moving away on the horse that was pulling his wagon. 

My eye twitched again, then I began yelling after him: '' What?! An attitude?! I don't have an attitude! '' I frowned with anger and looked at Waru. '' What about you?! Do you think that I have an attitude too? '' Waru just kept scanning our surroundings with a frown on his face, making me even more irritated. I understood, this place obviously wasn't safe, but still, he couldn't even take the time to answer my question? '' You know what?! Fu- ''  

That was when Waru suddenly grabbed me and pushed me on the ground. My face hit the dirt and I gasped with surprise, swallowing some of it by accident. Then I turned at him and asked, quickly forgetting that I was angry before. '' What's wrong? What happened? ''  

Waru just raised his hand and pointed at the cliff on the other side of the  mountain pass that was between us. I stared there, narrowing my eyes and trying to see something. My bad eyesight was preventing me from noticing anything else but three blurred figures, but I quickly realised what was happening when a fireball flew past me and hit a pile of rocks behind me. My eyes slightly widened with surprise: '' What? They're attacking us already? ''  

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