Chapter 21

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Miyasemi, the town of level 8 was placed in the middle of a dark and smelly swamp that was made of old trees, fern, some other vegetation and a lot of different lakes, rivers and other kinds of water. The big amount of water would usually mean that the players that didn't fight could grow things to eat, but that wasn't the case here. Each drop of water was either poisonous, had acid in it or just smelled really bad. The only drinkable one was in the lake that was in the boss room in the crypts on one side of the level. It was too much of a bother to carry it from it to the few wooden huts that actually represented the town, that was why players didn't like to settle down or stop here, so Miyasemi stayed practically deserted, ever since the first day we walked in it.

Right now I was standing at the entrance of the dungeon of level 8, leaning on my sword and staring at the others. Seira, the most frightened of all was looking around the cave we were in and staring back at the tunnel that we came from, probably wanting to go back outside. I couldn't actually blame her, considering that the only thing that she was carrying as a weapon was an old iron shield, placed on her back. Naota and Nagisa, without any weapons at all, were chatting with each other and looking excited. Next to them was Kira that was looking around with a serious expression on his face and spinning a simple dagger between his fingers, the one that he was apparently able to transform in different weapons. A little bit more away was Tsukimo, leaning against the wall and telling all of us how bored she was and how she hated the fact that she had to be here.

'' Okay, kids, listen now! '' I spoke up, pulled my red sword from the ground and placed it on my back again. '' This is what our party's going to do. According to your classes and your abilities I've developed a strategy that is the best for us. Once we'll enter this dungeon Tsukimo and I'll- ''

'' Stop, '' Tsukimo suddenly said, appearing next to me.

I flinched, turned around and looked at her with anger, while my eye kept twitching. '' How many times do I have to tell you that I hate how you sneak up on me with your creepy ninja skills? ''

She smirked and replied: '' I don't care how many times you say it, I'm going to keep doing it until it annoys you. Anyway... I never said that I'm going to be in your party. I'm here just to make sure that you won't try to escape. ''

I rolled my eyes. '' If you're here then you can at least be useful. End of the conversation. ''

'' Fine, '' she muttered, suddenly disappeared and reappeared on the same spot as she was standing before. '' But only because I'm bored. ''

'' Yeah, yeah, whatever, '' I said and looked back at the kids. Kira was staring at me with disbelief, Seira was smiling a little, while Naota and Nagisa were giggling with each other. I crossed my arms and frowned. '' I don't want to hear a word from you four. Okay, anyway, back to the party plan. Tsukimo and I'll kill the dark mages that'll try to attack us one we'll enter the dungeon, allowing you four to advance forward, right to the end. There'll you find the elite dark mage, you'll easily recognise it, because it'll be a little bigger than the normal ones and standing on a glowing purple symbol. After that you two, Nagisa and Kira'll do the main fighting. You Nagisa said that you can use your transformation magic in combat, right? ''

Nagisa nodded, smiling. '' I can't do a full body transformation, but I can assume the characteristics of a wolf, rabbit, different birds and also goblin. ''

'' Rabbit? '' I asked with confusion, together with Tsukimo that blurted out at the same time: '' A thing that belongs in a soup? ''

Why would someone transform in a rabbit in combat? What could a little cuddly bunny do?

Tsukimo just cringed, reappeared next to me and and muttered: '' This is so... fucking lame. ''

I leaned to her and whispered: '' I think you just taught them a bad word. ''

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