Chapter 19

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I was still running after Tsukimo and Nai when I suddenly heard screaming. I instantly stopped in the middle of the hallway and carefully listened. A second later the same person started screaming again. Now I realised that it was clearly the voice of a young girl. I hesitated for a second, not really wanting to get involved in to whatever bad was going on, but then a voice in my head spoke up and told me to move my ass and not be lazy.

Sometimes I wished that the voices in my head could be a little bit nicer. Even if the whole thing about the voices wasn't actually completely normal.

I quickly moved to the nearest window and pressed my face against it, looking down on the backyard with wide eyes. I instantly knew what was happening. There were five, all around six years old kids doing something there, when a pack of wild goblins, the common monsters of this level attacked them. At first I was kind of confused because I didn't understand how they could even get to the castle.

Tsukimo told me that it was protected by a special barrier that was keeping away magic users. Then figured that the goblins weren't really magic users, so they managed to reach the castle, probably looking for food and climb the wall that was surrounding it. And that wasn't even hard, considering that it was almost completely covered by the snow that fell from the sky in the storm that was going on for the past three days.

That was when another scream resounded through the air. One of the goblins knocked down a boy that was trying to act brave and protect the other four kids and grabbed a girl. My eyes slowly widened when I watched how the monster started dragging her away, together with the others, leaving a bloody trail behind them. I started to nervously step from one feet to another, not really sure what to do. I didn't really want to get in to a fight outside in this bad weather and calling for help would take too much time, there was a seventy-nine percent chance that the little girl would die in the meantime. And that was seventy-nine percent more than it was supposed to be.

Move your ass lazy girl.

I rolled my eyes and frowned. '' Stupid voice that's telling me to do the right thing and help stupid people that can't take care of themselves, '' I muttered before I carefully looked around again. There was no door that leaded outside here so there was only one thing that I could do. I took a few steps back and sighed. '' Here we go, '' I murmured to myself. Then I ran, covered my face with my hands and jumped.

The window shattered and I started falling through the air, with my small dark red cape fluttering behind me. I quickly focused again, landed on a roof, ran down it and jumped again. I closed my eyes and let out a quiet yelp when I landed on the ground that was a few meters lower, hurting my feet. I wasn't an assassin or something like that, acrobatics weren't really my thing.

I shivered because of the cold, then I looked at the four kids that were staring at me with wide eyes, full of tears. A grin appeared on my face and I quickly saluted to them. '' I've got this. '' Then I pointed at the one that tried to protect the others before.

He was a small boy with messy dark brown hair with big, round eyes in the same color. He was wearing a grey shirt and pants. He also had a dark green vest, tied with a ribbon. He had a red headband, wrapped around his neck and there were also two other interesting things about him. He had a ring in his hair and he was wearing a huge pointy hat.

His frightened dark eyes widened with shock when I pointed at him and he instantly took a few steps back, falling in the snow. I just grinned at him and showed him a thumbs up: '' Nicely done, little man. ''

Then I turned around and ran after the girl that got taken by the goblins. The smile instantly disappeared from my face when I couldn't see the kids anymore. The truth was that I was really worried, but I didn't want to frighten them. I knew that the goblins took their friend because they wanted to eat her for dinner. And that was why I needed to be fast. The problem was that I couldn't see well because of the snow storm, the snowflakes and the wind were scratching my face like knives and I also couldn't move well on the snow. I collapsed on the ground every few seconds and because of that the snow already got under my armour, but I still stood up again every single time and continued running.

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