Chapter 65

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It was dark an peaceful. I was floating in the middle of nothing, there was nothing but endless blackness surrounding me and it looked so much like when I died, but it was different. It was calm, my body was relaxed and I was slowly falling down in to more and more deeper darkness, but I wasn't afraid. I knew that I was leaving, but I wasn't scared, everyone's time to go came, sooner or later. 

Even if it was sad. I cried, knowing everything that I left behind, but I still didn't regret my decision. Someone had to make that sacrifice and it was okay for me to chose that path. I was the one that bet the odds on myself and for the first time in my life I felt like I've accomplished something truly amazing.  

I hoped that the others won't cry because of me. I saved the Kingdom of battles world from evil because I wanted them to keep on smiling and never cry again. I wanted them to continue being a real guild that always helped their comrades, had fun on missions together and never abandoned each other. Even if it hurt me to think that I wasn't going to be there during all of their adventures. I also hoped that my family won't be too sad when I'll never come home again. 

Suddenly a ray of bright light shined from above, through the darkness that was surrounding me. My teary eyes widened with shock at the sight of it, then I closed them and smiled to myself, knowing what was happening. It was my comrades, the family that I found in The demon alliance, being too stubborn to let me leave them in style. I didn't know how they did it, considering the state I was in, but I really appreciated it, that they went that far just for someone like me. But I should've known since this was The demon alliance, they always looked out for every single member, no matter how strong they were. And just like always, they, my friends, family, were the light of hope when I failed to keep on going.  

Tears continued falling down my cheeks as my body continued floating up back in to the light.  

Apparently my time hasn't come yet. The struggle wasn't over, I was going to have to pick up my sword again. But I actually didn't mind, I was excited, happy, because I didn't have to leave everything behind and I decided that now I was going to change.  

Things are going to be different from now on and even after I was going to leave the Kingdom of battles world. I will never run away again and live every day like it was my last. Now I knew how fragile it all was, how I had to live life to the fullest, because it could be all over any moment. 

One second I could be here and then one maybe not.


Two weeks passed since I woke up in the hospital of the headquarters that day. Things were finally beginning to calm down and set in to place, while in a way it was also just as crazy as before.  

The cities in levels 2, 10 and 32 that got almost completely destroyed because of the monsters that were summoned there were starting to get reconstructed again. Phoenix's hades, one of the biggest guilds in the Kingdom of battles world offered to lead the whole rebuilding process and they also took care of the many players and Locals that lost their homes. They found different places for them to stay at, like guilds that offered rooms in their headquarters, inns and camps that were set up just for that and they also took care that they all got enough food, drink, medicines and other things that were needed. In the meantime many Locals and players that volunteered to help stayed busy in the destroyed levels, creating new huts and houses. 

The guild Knights of the Kingdom got a new leader now. Most of the members that were in it before didn't know about Masashi's plans and after finding out they were tricked they still decided to stay with their new guild master. They trusted him, everyone was sure that he was going to be a good leader, despite being young and quite obnoxious, even if maybe it was just me that thought his. Yes, the new guild master of the Knights of the Kingdom was no one else than Rin that left his position as the leader of the Hellforce, giving it to Shiki.  

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