Ch 6: The perfect pet

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    The short white dress gripped her body perfectly, and the thin material caressed her legs as she walked towards me. Larissa Devin. Such a perfect little creature. I realized I hadn't been satisfied with my choice of slaves for such a long time now. Felt like years, when it could've been centuries.

  She was staring at me. Such mask on her pretty face, it was ridiculous. She thought she could hide the fear, but I sensed it from a mile away. The thing was, every girl that I owned before her never had the courage to look me in the eyes. Yet this one... She was staring as deeply in mine as I was in hers. She was lucky I wasn't one of those who gave punishments for that.

  But there in front of me, walking towards me was the pretty Lara; the rebel I heard so much about. All perfect, already showing the feisty spirit by the way she walked confidently, and proving that I wasn't wrong for picking this challenge.

  Her posture seemed.. Elegant for a 'spit-fire' she was described as, and way too confident for someone that 'used her rebelliousness to get attention'. I noticed Ivan leaning closer to her, but whatever he said was blurred and muted by the voices and the music that were taking over the shop. I just hoped he was smart enough to know his place, and leave her personal space alone. She was my pet now, after all. Only I could be close to her.

  The red and orange lights illuminated her hourglass figure perfectly; her charm somehow stealing insensibly upon me. The lines of her body were long, clean and symmetrical; perfectly curves around her hips, forming out two clear dips on the sides of her small waist. With each step she took towards me, her body occasionally fell into splendid poses, assuring me that I made the right choice choosing her that night.

  I noticed her taking in a deep silent breath as she stopped in front of me, keeping her shoulders straight, her eyes fixed on mine, and hands firmly tied in front of herself. It was a sight that I couldn't get enough of in that moment.

  A pair of large ocean blue eyes looked up at me, framed with black eyelashes that didn't flatter a single time. She had those unique straight lines, one on each cheek, somehow making her cheekbones and her jawline come to expression even more. It wasn't her classical beauty that attracted attention, it was the way she was stereotyped, or perhaps the way she brought it to life.

    "Have a delightful stay with Lord Petrovic, Lara." I heard Ivan mumble as he handed the rope to me. But that's not what Lara needed to hear. I knew my way with humans, and the terror of emotions they were going through. Ivan, certainly, didn't.

  I heard one of my men tell Ivan that the exchange was made, but I had more important things to take care of. I noticed that confusion grow behind her eyes as I untied her hands. She kept her silence. And that only made it harder for me to understand how I heard such complains about her attitude. But that was what I bought her for. To teach her how to act like the human she was in this world.

  I took out the collar I had for her, nearing it towards her, and just then I saw how something changed in her eyes. I knew of anger, hate, and I knew that's what she was pushing back. So, they were not very wrong after all. She did seem difficult. I just wanted to test her limits.

  As my hands moved towards her neck, that frustration flashed behind her eyes, and she turned her head on the side, rudely avoiding my intention and slightly tossing her hair in the progress. She seemed like she wanted to move backwards, but my hands stopped her.

  Grabbing her chin, I directed her head straightly again, somehow wanting her to look me in the eyes again, to try to define that specific color they held. But instead she just shot me a hateful glimpse and looked on the side, now keeping still.

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