Ch 27: All eyes on us

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  A loud click echoed in my ears. I could feel my senses starting to somewhat sharpen. The air around me seemed to had gotten colder as I was starting to become aware of that wakening. Brightness hit my still closed eyelids, but I was already half awake when I heard a deep voice somehow too loud in my ears.

  "Lara," I heard myself groan and the slight ache from my head seemed to hit my eyelids first, before I decided to somewhat try and open them. "Wake up,"

  As I slowly opened my eyes, the room seemed a bit upside down.. My vision was still blurry, and after a few seconds I was starting to become more and more aware of the situation.

  My stomach hurt from how much pressure I was putting while laying on it, just like someone threw me on the bed and I stayed that way all damn night long. I mean, it was supposed to be night again.. We were awake the whole night, so wasn't I supposed to be left to sleep during the day now?

No, instead, I saw a still slightly blurry shadow of a tall figure in black, before I blinked a few more times to clear out my vision. Xander.. He was getting close to me, before he once again repeated.

  "Get up, Lara," It was weird, cause he never usually came to wake me up. It was either Lily, or I woke up alone. And this was definitely the worst way to wake someone up that was basically hungover.

  I slightly lifted myself up, looked on the side, then back in front of myself. I was on my bed, just like I thought, laying on my stomach with at least five pillows around me.. But it was still awfully chilly. Especially over my back.. And my legs.

  I frowned before I slowly checked with my hand, running it down my lower spine, then my butt.. I was in lingerie. Great. And from what I remember last night, I wasn't wearing a bra. And still wasn't. Thank God I was on my stomach.

  Like someone just poured cold water over me, I instantly reached for the sheet, because I could clearly remember wrapping myself in one the previous night. I looked on the side where Xander was standing, but he simply had his arms crossed over his chest, lazily rising his brows. He didn't seem to care at all.

  Once again, I glanced on the side, trying to remember what happened the previous night. Well, the good part was, I was the one that took my own clothes off. But I was too tired to put anything else on myself, so I had wrapped a sheet around myself. I must had been too hot to push it aside. Great.

  The last thing that happened that night that incident with Gabriel. Clearly, I had to lock myself in the bathroom to get away from him. And then I had left the ball after around 10 minutes because I had had it.. With everyone.

  Yes, my memory was pretty good. I drank a bit which obviously resulted with exhaustion, but not enough to forget about Xander's preformed that stunt with that bitch Nia.

  I glanced at him, but didn't trust myself enough with what I might say to him.. So, I say up, wrapped the sheet tighter against myself, and kept my back turned on him.

  "What?" I asked, without bothering to turn around, before slowly standing up and then glancing at him.

  "I said get ready. I want you downstairs in 10 minutes." Right. Maybe him and Nia were going to announce a wedding. Maybe I was even going to be a bridesmaid.

  I stared at him for a few seconds. Of course, I was angry at him. I was furious. A simple glance at him had me wondering where in the hell was he last night while all of that went down.. After had played me like his little doll in his office, I hadn't seem him.. Other than seeing him pull Nia up the stairs to perhaps give her a bit of what he gave me.

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