Ch 61: Through these woods

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"We must go." Nathaniel insisted, but I told him the same thing I did a thousand times before that.

"No." And I was losing all patience once again. He did not want to cross me at that point. No, he did not want to see me angry, because anger was all I had left.

"Xander, there is no other way!" To his damn outburst, I lost every nerve I was holding onto.. There was already barely any sanity left in me, and yet he dared to push me further.

So with speed I wasn't even aware of, rushed towards him and soon had him yanked against the wall without even realizing it. He had lost his mind for giving himself the right to question my decisions when it came to Lara. No one could decide for her fate other than me.

"I said no!"

My roars in his face no longer effected him, and with every lost of patience, every emotion other than that dark worry seemed like a clear path for that fear to consume me again.. Concern meant fearing.. And I loved her more than I did anything throughout my entire existence. I feared like I had never before.

"She is-" I let go of him and took a step back. The last thing I needed was to have to deal with them. "She'll be fine."

But Nathaniel seemed very determined to test me in that moment. Whether he was really fucking stupid, or he cared for Lara enough to risk his life by daring me further. He seemed very much convinced that taking her to her own might be the cure for her, but no hex had ever been cured.. Not yet. Still certainly it wouldn't by surrounding her with those wolves that tried taking her life when she was only a child.

"Listen to me," He gripped my shoulders to perhaps bring some sanity to me, but it was not his words I needed to hear in that moment. "Do you want her to suffer?" Oh how he played with his life. I pushed him back, but he refused to let me go. "Do you want her to die in your arms?!"

It was enough to have me want to rip his heart out of his chest when he dared mentioning such things. I pushed with strength I was barely damn aware of, mercifully enough to have him bang against the wall and almost knock the damn house down with him. It seemed like words no longer seemed to find their way through me, but rather growls escaped from how little control over my own fury I had in that moment.

I turned around to my desk, but I felt like burning the whole office down because it was that room I heard those toxic news in.. I wanted to burn the whole house to the ground, dammit, because it was that house that had seen more blood and death than any other place.. And hell, I was not having her blood there as well.. Even being away from her for barely fifteen minutes left me anxious and terrified with what might happen to her.

"I'm not taking her there!" At such times of rage, I usually found myself killing something or someone, but I was not in the mood to have to deal with dead bodies, because for the first damn time in my life I feared death. "Those same hounds already tried killing her once and fucking failed! I will not ever be the one to give them a second damn chance!"

All of us knew the Lara's life story well.. We all knew how her parents were killed, whose deed it was, and who faked her death. It was those damn wolves that went after her, and witches that saved her just so she could end up with me.. Just so they could have her hexed and make me suffer while watching her in all that torture they would cause. It all went back to me, because it was me they wanted to fucking destroy by harming the one woman I loved like no other.

"They are her people." Nathaniel dared further, pushing himself off the wall I yanked him against and walking back towards my desk. He could take his suggestions with his grave and I would be the one to fucking dig it, I thought. If he continued- "They'll know how to stop the hex from spreading." And he continued. "Xander, it has already infected her blood. It will spread like poison and it could be just weeks before it-"

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