Ch 30: End Game

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  New York city was never bigger to me.. Never crowdier.. Never better. We got there with a plane, which was basically a private jet even though they didn't refer to it as that.. I had little memory of being on a plane when Nathaniel kidnapped me, and at that point the flight didn't ring any bells either.

  Nathaniel was there with his girl, and I could tell that he followed each and every one of my moves. He had his girl on his lap, the blonde human acting so naturally around him, it made me wonder how she was so relaxed..

  I on the other hand did the same.. Well, at least tried doing the same.. I wasn't so used to being around Xander in public.. So I purred around on his lap just like they expected me to, but I was bored and just not feeling the act. I fell asleep and was awakened when we arrived. With a very fancy car we got to the hotel and I couldn't help the wide smile that stretched my lips the whole way there..

  Like I said, NYC was loud and big and crowdy, and I loved every single view that I was able to catch. I didn't get to spent much time outside and I was soon in a large golden lobby, still crowed though, and I couldn't complain since the hotel was large and beautiful, every single inch of it showing how expensive it was..

  And I knew Xander had money, he was a Lord, what surprised me though was the fact that people that worked in the hotel knew him, referred to him following his Lord title, and I couldn't help but wonder how he was so connected to the human world.

  Maybe it was the abducting and selling young girls just like Nathaniel.. No, I would've known. I spent time in his office enough to know if that was true or not.. That was not what he did.

  Xander only loved the fact that a human was a distraction to him. Someone that was down to earth that he had every time he went to bed.. And I did want to give him the best of me because I could see the way it effected him, but I loved my freedom more.

  I just wanted a normal life, even though I knew how much easier he was making everything.. Of course, as long as I didn't test him.

  Now I found myself staring at my own reflection in the mirror, ready for the night in a light gray dress, the top completely silver with such small details that were impossible not to get enchanted by..

  It had that deep V that ended at the middle of my stomach, completely covered in lace and silver sparkles.. The sleeves were also lacy and ended right where my shoulder did.

  And unlike the top, the bottom of the dress seemed like a different part, light gray and matching perfectly, but going over my stomach like a high waisted skirt, skintight and having a few lace details here on the sides of my hips.

  I had a narrow waist and a flat stomach, so it wasn't a problem that the dress was tight around there, but my hips were wide and it seemed to line every inch of them until it ended a little above my knees. It was pretty to look at, but it seemed like it lined and gripped every curve, maybe making me feel a bit more exposed because I was now in the human world..

  The opened neckline that ended at the middle of my stomach was pretty tight as well, so it held my breasts perfectly.. At first I thought that the dress wasn't exactly supposed to be worn by a C cup girl, but when I put it on, I fell in love with the way it looked..

  There was no need for details such as jewelry on my neck and ears since the top of the dress was already silverish.. However, Lily did put a bracelet on my wrist. When I asked her what the whole glam was for, she told me that the dinner that night was going to be pretty important for Xander so I was supposed to behave no matter what.

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