Ch 13: Mine

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The car came to stop as I looked at the gates of the great mansion. The opened slowly while I stared at them with mixed thoughts no one around me could really understand. I always thought, once they're closed, there's no way of me escaping.. It was true. I knew that. I could already say that I saw Xander's bad side. Dark side.

As we drove around the large fountain, the rays of that late morning sunshine still took over the front of the big house, making the whole place looked even prettier. No one that passed would know what kind of a hell was someone going through in there. I sat a few more seconds more when the doors were opened for me before something snapped me back to reality.

Nathaniel was already outside, and I slowly got my thoughts together, getting out as well. I walked around the car, towards Nathaniel, his voice, his words, slowly going through my hair over and over again. The girl Xander cared so damn much about. 'Free spirit.' What was that even supposed to mean?

"Mixed your thoughts pretty badly, huh?" He said without even looking at me. Simply staring towards the front door like he was hoping it would open itself.

I heard the car driving away. "Did he love her?" I didn't even know why I asked that.. I couldn't understand why this effected me in such way. I didn't even know how it effected me I just knew I was occupying my thoughts the whole way to the house.

"I suppose. Yes," His voice came out slower, a bit quieter as he started climbing up the porch.

  He walked inside as I followed a step or two behind him. He really wanted me interested in this. He knew I was curious. He knew I was desperate. I had to find out a way out of there and this might be the solution. The two points: love and Petrovic... They went awfully wrong together.

I closed the door behind me, watching him disappear behind the wall towards the dining room. I was still staring at his direction, watching him walk away when I heard Xander's voice coming from the stairs.

"Lara," I looked towards him. My mind going through so many stuff when I saw him. Nathaniel did it. He managed to unbelievably effect me with his words, occupy me, somewhat confuse me with what he said.

When I saw Petrovic, the first thing I thought about was him with that girl Dalia. I didn't know what she looked like, but I had a picture of him smiling that maybe I once saw.

  Caring for someone so deeply meant being happy. One way or another, falling in love couldn't be escaped. Especially for them. Vampires. They a life throughout the whole eternity. So many people coming and going..

I mentally shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts and focus on what was going on. What had gotten into me? I was acting ridiculous. As always, when he reached me, he guided his hand towards me, and I didn't move away.

  This time, I just looked at him, emerald green eyes staring back at mine, deep and intense.. I was trying to have him figured out, but it wasn't really working. His fingers brushed my hair slightly, the locks instantly falling off my shoulder.

"How are you feeling?" He asked..

  For a second there I thought that maybe what Nathaniel said was true. What if I did remind him of Dalia? Was that the only reason he got me? He did act different every time he saw me.

  The previous night he was furious with me, this morning he was sarcastic and filled with arrogance which meant ignoring me.

  And at that point he was simply asking me how I was feeling.. Just like every time I got back from the classes. Nothing new, just now my attention as focused on his words and actions, and I was staring to notice differences.

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