Ch 63: Cures

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The cold air filled my lungs suddenly, harshly, that I felt my body shiver. I needed the air.. I needed that coldness. I needed everything that would clear my thoughts at least enough to give me some relief.. To help lift that pressure that weighted over my head.

But it didn't seem to be working.. I inhaled, exhaled.. Hell, the air barely bade its way down my throat. I could wrap my head around what they said.. I could exactly focus on what they were talking about any longer.. They were speaking of the witch that hexed me.. Asking me for descriptions.. When not even I could really remember what she truly looked like. It seemed like it had been so long ago.

I leaned against the wooden pillar on the porch.. My eyes seemed to had closed on their own.. Another inhale, another exhale.. My hands moved on their own, over my face and up through my hair.. No, the pressure didn't ease.

I simply couldn't find my way back to reality.. That picture of that day kept repeating in my head, like it had carved in my brain.. It almost seemed like I was subconsciously still desperate to think of as many details of that day as I could, because they kept asking, but my brain had stopped working and the only thing that flashed in my head was that moment she grabbed me..

And at that point, I could even feel that tight grip around my wrist.. I could see her pale blue eyes, piercing with some dull spark in them, looking back at mine.. I could feel the shivers that ran down my spine because the simple thought of that moment had the same damn effect. I was simply lost.. Lost with my thoughts, and I couldn't seem to find my way back..

"God," I pressed my hands over my face once more, but the pain in my head didn't ease.. I could feel my heart almost thumping in my throat.. The air was cold, but whenever I breathed in, it felt as if I was pushed into a steam room.. My blood boiled with a greater intensity with each and every one of those rapid beats against my chest.

It was worthless thinking through that moment because.. Hell, because my mind was simply lot working. I was only torturing myself trying to remember.. Because there wasn't much to remember. She said some words, but back then, I had been in such panic and hurry to get away from Xander's guards that I didn't even hear what she told me..

And I could remember.. I could remember that urge rushing throughout me.. Burning at the pit of my stomach.. To get away. To simply run. And I thought I was running from Xander's guards, I thought it was him chasing me that terrified me so badly, when it was really some harsh realization that some dark force had came upon me.. It was almost as if a part of me knew I had to get away. I was wrong thinking I was running from Xander. It was others I should had ran from.

My head felt as if it was throbbing.. It was the wooden pillar behind me that kept me in some balance.. And the sound of his voice in that moment that seemed to had so instantly calmed my darkest worries.

"Lara," I couldn't even find my way to put my hands away from my face, and the moment I did, I leaned towards him.. It was his arms that gave me the soothing I was seeking for.

That scent of his seemed like home to me. It had my breaths steadying, it had my heart finding peace. The way he wrapped his arms around me, the way he held me tightly against his chest gave me a second of realization that it was with him I felt safest, despite my denies. And I seemed to had forgotten about what tortured my thoughts just seconds before.

"I can't,- God, this is too much," I found myself whispering, even though I tried convincing myself it would all be just fine..

"You," He started, pulling my away by my arms so that I would look at him. "You must trust me, my love," His words seemed to break my heart for a second.

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