Ch 60: Hexed

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The confusion was growing.. The longer I thought about it, the more answers I needed. It was perhaps a lost case.. I suppose the possibilities of us never being able to figure out what happened that night were pretty big as well. But my heart didn't desire all the answers either.

It was good not to know.. To stay in the dark as much as possible. Not everything was worthy information. Some could get you even killed. And I was taught to stick to that.. Life had taught me that. Stay in the shadows, stay in the dark, and you'll be safe. Perhaps Max figured it out before me.. And he was the living breathing example of how toxic some information could become.

If he never knew of me, he wouldn't be in danger.. Even though he didn't remember me now, I was aware in just how big of a risk his life still was.. Especially with Xander aware of his existence. He was a man of his word, however.. I trusted him with my life. And Max was not in Xander's interest no longer. There were more important things he was worrying about..

That concern.. It was something I had never felt before. Having someone care.. Having someone worry.. And love. Love was something I never thought would be able to ever reach me.. Effect me.. Perhaps it still didn't. But I did feel someone else's love for me. And that was a feeling greater than anything.. Having someone love you. Someone that is in love with you.

Goodness, it felt surreal even thinking about it.. Thinking about the things he was ready to do for me. The very Lord of the North.. Lord Petrovic.. Ready to kill and die for me. To protect me and cherish me.. It took me long to realize that. It took him long to accept it too..

Yet still, there I was, feeling soothed like never before.. In his arms. Safe and away from any harm. At first perhaps I blamed it on lust.. For far too long. But it was becoming something more than that. It was starting to consume me, to rule me, and I had no clue how to control this need for him.

The fears and terrors that my mind constantly rushed back to could only be soothed by his touch.. They disappeared and I was so suddenly melting in his arms, lost in his eyes and completely high on his closeness. Greater forces controlled that. Some fate.. Some ancient spell perhaps.. But I was at that point where I couldn't care less of it. I only cared for him. And I feared that feeling..

But there I was, in his office, ready to allow that longing to master me whole, yet at the same time, keeping my distance as to focus on the reason why we were there.. Waiting for Nathaniel and the others to arrive.. Those he trusted.. He was very much certain they could help with the matter.

I stared outside the large windows that were right behind him as he sat on the chair of his desk.. I stood there and stared at the greenness of the forest that seemed endless, with all shades of emeralds and jades.. And I found myself wondering.. Perhaps the answer to my questions was somewhere between those trees.

I heard his chair heavily move as he sat up, allowing his footsteps to close up on me from behind.. I kept my eyes on the bright day outside.. I kept my thoughts on the events that happened that night.. On the woman with the dark hair.. The man with the blue eyes.. And the boy.. The boy that was the true mystery that kept my mind chained for hours with the need for it to be solved.

And his touch seemed to be enough.. As Xander walked from behind me, as he pressed his hands over my arms, I found myself releasing a slow sigh.. How he caressed up my shoulders, aware that his touch would be the cure for those frenzy of thoughts.. How he kissed the side of my neck from behind, expecting the release my body felt with him near.

His soft lips pressing against my skin had me close my eyes.. "You're overthinking again, aren't you?" He mumbled against my skin and I felt shivers.. The kinds I never wanted to admit he had the power to cause..

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