Ch 33: Scoldings & Punishments

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maddie_adtr & ReneciaMeiring y'all rock! You've had patience with the story, followed it and supported it the whole time! Huge thanks for that! Virtual bearhugs & kisses are officially sent to you 💗💗



  It was just like a damn drop in the ocean. When I saw her, it took me everything in my power not to rush towards her, rip those tight clothes and get what I've been longing for.. Bury myself deep inside her and hear that mesmerizing voice scream my name..

Seeing her after that night, standing there across from me.. It felt like a dagger in my chest. I still wanted to yell and shout at her, I wanted to teach her a lesson for daring to do something like that, but at the same time I wanted to kiss her senseless and do everything in my power to see nothing but pleasure on her face.

  She was the only weakness within me, and she proved that each time she was near me.. There was no way for me to take out the fury from last night.. It was of course not gone.

  I had at least 5 of my people that let her slip between their fingers and run away from the hotel, that still deserved weeks and weeks of torture until I decided to give them the relief that they were going to beg for. Death. However, we were still in New York. I had to wait till we got back at the house, and till then, Nathaniel was the one that was going to handle them..

  I thought blood was going to tame the anger I felt inside me.. The desire for her that mixed along with it.. I thought killing a few would let me calm my senses. But it did not help, only proving that my addiction for this girl was stronger than my natural instincts. It was insanity having her in front of myself yet being forced to keep distance.. To stay away from her. How could I?

  My fists were clenched from how much my hands were damn shaking and itching to touch her. It was getting out of control.. More and more with each day that passed. Just when I thought she was being obedient and finally accepting this, she ran away.. And that triggered a part of me that could not be tamed. It was as if she flamed this fire inside me and she was the only one that could smother it.

  And she was not making it easy for me. Her cleavage was full in that V neck, tightening that maroon blouse even more, and making it seem like all those buttons needed was one touch for the material to burst open.. Her skirt was tight around her tiny waist and seemingly shorter from that plump ass of hers that lifted it.. All I could think of was how much longer I would have the patience until I rushed towards her and bent her down.

  I really had to talk to Liliana about Lara's clothes. Everything that she ordered for her was at least two sizes smaller, tops and dresses way too open.. Which was a treat for me, but definitely not convincing for me to allow others seeing her in something like that. She already attracted too much attention. She owned a blouse or two and it was the most settle thing in her closet.

  I managed to look away, to somewhat focus on my anger and not on her, for a few seconds at least. I turned around and walked towards my office. Nathaniel's words kept repeating in my head. He was right. I could never forgive myself if I was ever the one to hurt her.

  But I had no damn clue what I was thinking when I told her I wanted her in my office. I could sense her scent from the lobby, hear her heartbeat through doors and walls, yet I ordered her to get in the same room as me?

  I was starting to act by my impulses, by my instincts.. And it was hard to fight against them all now when my mind started playing against me too. They were all excuses.. Fucking excuses on why I wanted her close.. It was simple. I was addicted to her. Yet I tried playing myself into thinking that maybe I would scold her.. Teach her a lesson. Biggest lie I ever told myself.

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