Ch 62: The power we possess

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  It was the screeching of the iron gates that filled the air as everyone kept their silence.. It was the tension that grew rather than the fear. I knew Xander had no such feeling. It was what gave him power. And the only fear he showed was connected to my safety.. So that showed his weakness..

  He didn't allow others to see it however.. Not even Dennis. He was too proud and honorable to his people to ever fail them, and too loyal to me to ever risk me. I knew something was not the way it seemed. Xander was very much calmed, and it was not in his nature to trust a stranger. Whether he was too certain in himself and Nathaniel and Victor, or he had some backup plan..

  Because as the gates opened, he stood tall and straight, allowing me to hold his hand, to wrap it around his arm and keep my closeness.. Perhaps it soothed him as much as it did me.. Or perhaps he needed no soothing.. He seemed very much at peace. Very much calmed even as we took a step inside.. Even as we were surrounded by supposable enemies.

  Dennis however, seemed to had put all trust in us as well.. He walked in front of us, with his back on us, which meant he trusted us enough with his life.. Any of the guys could've put a knife through his back, or could've snapped his neck.. Hell, I had seen Xander rip out hearts..

  Dennis took a risk meeting with us as well.. However, now we were officially on his territory. At their mercy. And it could be our doom we stepped into..

  In front of us was showed a village.. A small town I suppose.. The first houses we were met with were large and similarly built. Everything was new and well organized. The streets were rather narrow but straight.. Fine cement spread underneath our feet.. Kids ran around and played almost in every corner..

  But it wasn't the cement that took my attention. It was the greenness that dominated. They had managed to make their town seem like it was a whole different dimension we walked into.. Compared to other Northern towns in Red Hawk, the ones Xander ruled, this one seemed like a quit village of greenness and peace.

  It was no gray tall buildings nor cars that took the view.. It was the trees around the large houses, the children's laugh as they played around the streets.. It was early in the morning as for we had travelled throughout most the darkness.. The wolf town was just awaking. And I couldn't take just enough of the view..

I had lived in many cities and little towns throughout my life.. I never stayed long in any of them because Max believed it was safer for us always to be on the move.. Nowhere was really safe for two orphaned kids. But not one of the towns we passed through gave me the peace this one did the moment I stepped foot in it..

  It was small and green and wide, making it less crowded, allowing the air to circle around well.. And Xander seemed just as surprised from the sight as I was.. He was the Lord of the North for perhaps centuries, but the whole time the werewolves had managed to keep their silence and kept their little town a secret.. They built it in secret and each and every one of them, from oldest to youngest was disciplined enough to stay with their own and not cross the gates..

  Or perhaps they found a way to do that.. They were a free folk. They needed their freedom to survive. I had read that it was in their nature.. But still, I wasn't very informed about any of them.. And yet Dennis referred to me as one of his own.

  As we walked deeper in the town, the more people passed, and the more strange looks I received.. It was not the Lord Petrovic they focused on. It was me.. Almost as if they were informed that their formal enemy had passed his gates, the reason they'd lived in secret for so long..

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