Ch 51: Taken

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  My mind raced with speed my actions could not follow up. I seemed lost as the insanity familiarly crawled through me, taking and controlling the best of me.. I had never felt such fury grip me so strongly, such dread keeping its claws deep in my chest and head..

  Lara.. She was taken. She was for the whole night at that point.. And I had gone mad trying to figure out what happened.. Fuckįng incapable to think of anything else but her voice yelling out my name, echoing and repeating over and over again in my messed up head.. Seconds before I got down the stairs, she was gone..

  Just like that, no damn trace of her.. Like she wasn't even in the house.. Like she never was. And even at some point, I thought I had completely lost my mind.. The only prove that that perfection of a woman ever existed in my life was the approval from the people that had met her.. 

  I told Nathaniel I was going insane. He simply replayed by telling me I was already that a long time now.. He was certain we would find her, but the girl disappeared in thin air. How could- How the fūck did he expect us to find her when we had no trace nor lead?!

  Again, my name that she screamed seconds before I got down rounded my head and echoed for the millionth time.. I could still hear her. And fuckįng hell, I couldn't stop.. Her voice was in my head. It was driving me crazy. She was no where to be found for hours now!

  She couldn't have ran because the front and back doors had no trace of ever being opened and the guards in front of them saw no one leaving.. Nor coming inside the house..

  What I feared.. Hell, what I feared was her being taken by some spell.. And it seemed like those biggest fears were coming true. There were spells and witches involved because there was not a single lead to her! It was like she was fuckįng erased from my life within a second..

  That voice.. That horrified screech for help, yelling out my name perhaps the very instant she saw danger.. It was a dagger to my heart each time it repeated in my head. I was furious with myself for not being there.. Furious with whoever took her.

  My fist came against the wall, the solid material disappearing with the strength I pushed through it with, and I did not even notice.

  "Xander!" Nathaniel's voice was muted in my ears.

  "Twelfth fuckįng hour, Nathaniel! She has been- she's been gone for twelve hours and there is no damn trace of her yet!" My eyes couldn't seem to focus on anything anymore because she wasn't there for me to concentrate on.

  "Crushing the house down is not going to do any good!"

  All I knew was that Nathaniel as a blurry figure was near my desk, Victor was on the side cursing something underneath his breath with the same frustration as mine, probably going mad as well after twelve hours of searching non stop.

  The two of them and Elliot were the only people I trusted. I knew they would never betray my trust for anything because they all owed me their lives, and I owed them mine as well.. I could go as far as to say there were like brothers to me. For centuries now. They knew what Lara meant to me, and they knew I wasn't going to stop until I found her.

  The madness in my head was interrupted by the buzz of my phone on the desk.. Silence fell over as all of us looked at it. The thoughts that crossed my mind were the kind of torture I didn't wish to my worse enemy, but in that moment, it was exactly that enemy that called.

  I took the phone and stared at it. My fury wasn't letting me pick up yet. The number was blocked and I had an idea what was about to come next. I had an idea who might've taken Lara. And I was proved right seconds after those guesses..

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