Ch 15: Competition

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I listened to the voices around me. Mixing and trailing off with each second that passed.. They had just arrived, but I was already answering mechanically. I didn't even listen to them, nor to myself.. I was starting to get used to having Lara by my side. She wasn't there yet. I told Liliana that I wanted her down, but she hadn't arrived yet. Lara liked playing the brave girl very often, but I just hoped that she was smart enough not to test me tonight. I already warned her.

There were other pets in the room tonight, and I needed her to behave. Two more to be exact. Vladim's girl blonde girl couldn't even compare with Lara, and I didn't even want to start on the other one. They were good looking, well behaved, but Lara was something different. She was,-

She was walking down the stairs. Slowly but freely, my eyes glued on her figure as she walked towards the room. It seemed like everything went silent in those few seconds. My senses shut off.. Like a dare-devil, dressed in that black lacey dress, she walked through the door, and even though no one noticed her walk down the stairs before, the whole room went silent when she showed up. I wasn't fooling myself when I said she was special. Comparing to the other two pets, her outfit was't as short and as provocative, but it was perfect for only me to admire.

Unlike the others, Liliana made the perfect choice putting her into a dress. Short, way too much, but not lace shorts like the trend for having a pet was.. Lara was eye-catching, and at times that angered me because she always grabbed nothing but attention, and she did the exact same thing tonight. But her presence seemed to do something to me, and in that moment I knew that I would kill anyone that even dared to lay eyes on her.

Her midnight black hair was wavy, falling over her shoulders and still not covering the deep decolletage, slightly bouncing as she walked towards me, breathtaking as the heels clicked against the floor.. Thank goodness that her ass was covered by that dress, she already had me on the edge of killing someone from staring at her so intently.

I wasn't sure if the shock, the surprise took every little sense I had left, or she simply had me completely hypnotized, but I didn't think she would actually listen when I told her to behave. I was ready for scandals, but instead I saw a slight smile on her face as she walked towards me. I would expect someone like Lara, someone that was always on the edge of exploding into an unnecessary argument at any time of the day, perhaps to finish her remarkable entrance by sitting on the arm chair in the middle of the room.

Instead, she casually walked towards me and sat on my lap. Like a pet should. Not the Lara I knew, but just a clear act supposedly for the others in the room. Perhaps she got the idea from Vladim's girl that was actually told to do that, or she surprisingly decided to behave tonight.. Either way, she couldn't have done it better. When she sat on my lap, she pushed those long black locks behind, just the way I always wanted her to, as her other arm went over my shoulder. Thankfully, the rest continued their somewhat conversations, and I got the chance to take in what was literally in my arms.

Those perfect eyes were now so close to mine.. Large and filled with that wildness I admired. Ocean blue mixed with this dark green, swirling together; the dimmed lights illuminating something devilish in her eyes, as always fearless to stare back at mine. Those plump lips were that burning red color, a simple sign that she was trying to play with the flames that she knew I could not contain. A perfect contrast with her pale skin against the tight lace material around her waist..

When she tangled up her fingers in my hair from behind, I was caught between this anger that was escalating inside me from all the eyes that were absorbing all of her when she was supposed to be only for me. And then that urge that had all my senses go numb, that made me want nothing but to throw her over my shoulder right then, take her to my room and fuck her all night long. She was playing with my tolerance over this..

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